Last Minute Revision Notes for Paper 1 (MCQs) Paper | Common Tips and MIstakes
Measuring Devices/ Processes
- Pipette
- It is always filled to the same level.
- Desalination is based on distillation
- However, it DOES NOT INVOLVE fractional distillation
- Both distillation and crystallisation require a change from liquid to gaseous state.
Atom/ Element Properties
- Isotopes
- Same number of proton but different number of neutron
- Isobars
- Different elements with equal atomic mass
- Isomer
- Compounds with the same number of atoms in them.
- Calcium can only be extracted from the ore by using electrolysis
- Between Carbon Dioxide and methane
- Both contain carbon and are both described as greenhouse gases.
- Carbon lowers pH of water when dissolved in it
- Methane does not lower pH of water if dissolved in it
- Potassium
- Can be cut using a sharp tool
- It melts and floats when reacted with water
- Both contain carbon and are both described as greenhouse gases.
Types of Compounds
- Remember the difference between the three types of bonding
- Ionic bonds
- Between metals and non-metals
- Metals from first groups of periodic table
- Non metals from last groups of periodic table
- Covalent Bonds
- This is between non-metal atoms
- Metallic bonds
- Between metal atoms
- So, if you can’t understand directly if something is ionic, metallic or covalent, just open the periodic table at the end of the question paper and apply the rules mentioned above. For example, if both the elements in the compound are metals, then it will be a metallic compound in most cases. Students at times get confused “yar ye wala to book main nahi tha”. Just remember, there are MANY combinations. The trick is knowing which type of bonds exist in which conditions.
- Between metals and non-metals
- Ionic bonds
- An alloy is a substance that will conduct electricity both in its solid and molten state
- Difference between molten and aqueous
- Molten means that due to heating, the solid itself turns to liquid state.
- Aqueous means where water is used as a solvent for the mixture or solution.
Reducing / Oxidizing
- Common thing to remember is
- Oxidizing agent helps to oxidize the OTHER thing in the reaction.
- It means that the agent itself REDUCES.
- Reducing agent helps to reduce the OTHER thing in the reaction.
- It means that it itself oxidizes.
- Oxidation conversions
- Ethanol → Carbon Dioxide and water
- Ethanol → Ethanoic acid
- Ammonia
- Is taken out from ammonium nitrate on warming when potassium hydroxide is used as an aqueous reagent.
- Oxidizing agent helps to oxidize the OTHER thing in the reaction.
- Sulfuric acid is used in batteries.
- If there are same concentrations of hydrochloric acid and ethnoic acid present
- Ethnoic acid will have a lower concentration of hydrogen ions compared to hydrochloric acid.
- Ethnoic acid will have a higher pH value than hydrochloric acid.
- In the processing of sulfuric acid.
- Sulfur dioxide is NOT dissolved in sulfuric acid.
- Sulfur dioxide is NOT dissolved in water
- Addition reaction can be used in the polymerisation of ethene.
- Insulin
- Is a condensation polymer
- Contains amide linkages
- Remember, Alkenes are homologous
- Ethanol
- Is used as a solvent
- Renewable fuel
- In Vinegar production
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Revision | Detailed Notes For Preparation & Revision | O Level Chemistry 5070 and IGCSE Chemistry 0620
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