Descendants of the Prophet PBUH
Hazrat Imam Hassan
- First son of Hazrat Ali and Fatima
- Born in Madinah on 1 Ramzan
- Named Hassan
- Prophet PBUH loved him a lot
- He was 8 yeas old when the Holy Prophet PBUH passed away
- He protected Hazrat Usman when he was besieged in his house
- He took part in the battles in the Khilafat of Hazrat Ali
- Became Imram on 21 Ramzan after death of Hazrat Ali
- 40000 people accepted him as Imam
- People did not support Hassan in war call against Muawiya
- Force of 20000 men gathered with him
- He send an army under the chief of Kindi tribe to Anba
- Muawiya promised him governorship
- Chief changed allegiance
- Another man from bani Murad tribe also sent
- He too won over
- Muawiya informed Hassan that he should not fight
- Otherwise he will just lose his life and life of his supporters
- Iraqis deserted after this message
- Peace treaty was signed
- Muawiya became the Khalifa
- One of Imam Hassan’s wife poisoned him to death
- She was promised huge reward
- Buried in Jannat al Baqi
2.7 Imam Hussain
- Born -Thursday 3 Shaban 4 AH
- Was given to Umm e Fazal for nursing
- Physically resembled the Holy Prophet PBUH
- Imam Hassan made Hussain the Iman on death bed
- 60 AH – Yazid ascended to Muawiya’s throne
- Nominated by Muawiya during lifetime
- Anti-Islamic method so Hussain refused to pledge allegiance to Yazid
- Imam went to Makkah to avoid bloodshed in Madina
- He went to Kufa after kufians show support to his cousin
- Once imam set out for Kufa, his cousin was killed
- Camped at Karbala – 7 Muharram 61 AH – food water supply cut
- Battle began – all supporters killed 72 supporters were there in total
- Zain ul Abidin made Imam
- Imam Hussain throat/head cut off
- Won ever lasting victory over falsehood
- Principles more important than any other thing
- Sacrificed for Islam
2.8 Imam Zain ul Abidin
- Real name Ali
- Severe ill in Karbala
- Captive in Damascus
- Returned to Madinah
- Madinah 36 AH
- Mother was daughter of Yazdgard – Persian king
- Delivered knowledge of Islam after Karbala
- Died in 83 AH and buried in Jannat al Baqi
- Very pious
- Would tremble in fear in prayers
- Called Sajjad – one who does lots of prostrations
- His sayings are saved in Sahifah – Sajjadiyah
2.9 Imam Muhammad Baqir
- Born in Madinah 57 AH
- Son of Imam Zain ul albidin and Fatima – daughter of Imam Hassan
- Saw 4 Omayyad caliphates
- Was 4 years old at time of Karbala
- Was very knowledgeable
- Died in 114 AH
3.0 Imam Jafar Sadiq
- Son on Imam baqir
- 83 AH birth
- Remained Imam for 34 Years
- Umayyads harassed him
- Abbsids dislocated him and then forced him to live in seclusion and hiding
- Was very knowledgeable
- He was the teacher of almost 4000 scholars of Islam
- Imam Abu Hanifa was his student
- Jabir Ibn Hayyan was his student
- Was pious
- Lose consciousness in remembering Allah
3.1 Imam Musa Kazim
- Born 128 AH
- Saw three abbasids caliphates
- Lived in hiding
- Arrested from Masjid e Nabawi
- Taken from Madinah to Basra
- Then to Baghdad
- Transferred from prison to prison
- He died in a prison
- Had been there for 14 years
- Died in 183 AH
- Stayed Imam for 35 years
- Al-Kazim – due to control over anger
- Abd-us-Salih – due to being righteous
- Prayed for long hours
- Died in prostration
3.2 Imam Ali Raza
- Born 148 AH
- Died 203 AH
- Offered post of Khalifa and then succession my Mamum – Abbasid Khalifa
- Agreed only after the condition accepted of taking no part in administration
- Was knowledgeable and pious
- Took part in all debates
- His debates are recorded in Shia literature
- Finish recitation of Quran in 3 days
- Prayed for long hours
3.3 Imam Muhammad Taqi
- Son of Ali Raza
- Born in 195 AH
- Was in Madinah when Ali Raza died
- Called to Baghdad and married to daughter of Khalifa Mamum
- Returned to Madinah but called to Baghdad again
- Was able to answer questions on Shariah effectively
- Was generous and helpful
- Carry stuff on horseback and distribute to poor
- Died in 220 AH
- Stayed Imam for 17 years
3.4 Imam Ali Naqi
- Son of Muhammad Taqi
- Born in Madinah in 214 AH
- Saw seven Abbasid Khalifas
- Was called to Iraq
- Khalifa tried to dishonor him
- He remained patient
- Was gentle
- He distributed 30000 dirhams that Khalifa gave hi to the poor
- Died in Iraq in 254 AH
- stayed Imam FOR 33 YEARS
3.5 Imam Hasan Askari
- Born in Madinah in 232 AH
- Lived hidden for 7 years
- He was the supposed father of Muhammad Al Mahdi
- Would pray most part of night
- Died in 260 AH
- Buried by the side of his father
3.6 Imam Muhammad Mehdi
- 255 AH
- His mother was grand daughter of Roman King – father was Hasan Askari
- Called Muntazir
- Hujja
- Qaim
- Mehdi
- His birth was kept secret
- Only few people allowed to meet him
- He was 5 years old at time of father’s death
- In lesser occultation – he used to communicate through deputies
- Met only n exceptional circumstances
- Greater occultation began in 329 AH when he stopped communication
- He will be unhidden now when Dajjal comes
- Will establish peace on Earth
- Will rule the world
Lesson Tags
Descendants | Twelver Imams | Detailed Notes For Preparation & Revision | O Level Islamiyat 2058 and IGCSE Islamiyat 0493 |
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