How to Solve 10 Marks Question
When papers are around the corner, students have multiple queries related to solution and time management. How to solve questions? What information to include and exclude? How to save time? All these issues can cause trouble in papers. A particular question that comes up is how to solve the 10 marks question in Islamiyat. Sure, the question is tricky and important for your grade. Here, I will sum up some of the most important tips on solving 10 marks question in Islamiyat paper:
- Things to do
- Add as much information as possible
- Do not start to analyze anything
- This question is of BOOKISH knowledge
- They are testing how much stuff you remember about something
- If there is less time left
- Add more distinct information
- Avoid wasting time on explaining the same information
- You are given 3 pages for a complete 14 marks question
- Solving 10 marks question in Islamiat of O Level is better accomplished in no less than 2 pages
- No more than 2.25 page
- Solving 10 marks question in Islamiat of O Level is better accomplished in no less than 2 pages
- If you are asked about a personality
- For example, tell about Hazrat Khadija RA
- Prefer writing the main things first
- The things that make her very prominent
- Write auxiliary information later
- Prefer writing the main things first
- For example, tell about Hazrat Khadija RA
- You need to manage your speed
- 10 marks question must be completed within 12-13 minutes
- How to practice
- Solve more and more questions ON PAPER
- Try memorizing the main points of important questions word by word so that you can write without thinking in the exam
- Things NOT to do
- Taking an extra sheet – major blunder
- Do not waste time excessively explaining the same thing
- Explanations have lesser marks than adding more distinct points
- Writing in point form
- Answers MUST be in prose (NOT POINT) form when solving 10 marks question in Islamiyat
- DO NOT waste time making paragraphs
- You can not make even a single paragraph and still score perfect
- Personal experience!
- Waste time putting TOO many references
- You can quote 1 to 2 direct references in each question
- IT IS PERFECTLY OK even if you do not DIRECTLY put even one reference
- You can tell the meaning of the reference that is PERFECTLY FINE
- For example instead of quoting the direct Ayat about Battle of Badr
- You can write that Allah mentioned in the Quran that he helped Muslims by sending large amounts of angels to fight with the Pagans of Makkah
- For example instead of quoting the direct Ayat about Battle of Badr
- You can tell the meaning of the reference that is PERFECTLY FINE
- REFERENCES are extra
- Don’t waste time on them if LESS time is left for the paper itself
- First put all information then start putting references if you have time.
Hopefully, these tips and tricks can help you in solving 10 marks question in Islamiyat for O Level and IGCSE. Comment about any information that you wish for us to add.
Lesson Tags
10 Marks Question Solution Method | Detailed Guide For Preparation | O Level Islamiyat 2058 and IGCSE Islamiyat 0493 |
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