The History and Importance of the Quran
1.1 Revelation of Quran
- Process
- The Holy prophet PHUH started retreating and meditating for hours and days as he approached the age of 40
- Thought about the wrong situation of the society around him
- Ghar-e-Hira or the Cave of Hira was favorite place
- The month of Ramzan was favorite month to retreat
- In Ramzan, and in Ghar-E-Hira
- While meditating
- Jibrael AS came and ask him to read
- He replied that he was not skilled in reading and writing
- As a result, Jibrael AS hugged him and squeezed him to the extent that he was exhausted.
- This happened three times
- Then Hazrat Jibrael AS recited the first five verses of Surah Alaq/ Surah Iqra
- The Holy Prophet PBUH remembered the verses
- This aspect was the beginning of revelation
- The Holy Prophet PBUH came back and explained everything to Hazrat Khadija RA
- She comforted him
- Took to Warqa Bin Naufil
- Was scholarly person
- Her cousin
- Warqa bin Naufil confirmed that it was Hazrat Jibrael AS
- Revelation continued for 23 years
- Final Revelation in the plains of Arafat after the Khutba Hajjat -al-Wada
- Different feelings when revelations came: got heavier, perspired in cold, heard ringing sounds of bells, Jibrael AS came in human form to talk to him.
- Companion felt is e.g. would get crushed under the weight
- The ride used to sit down from weight
- Hazrat Ayesha RA mentioned that Holy Prophet PBUH perspired in extreme cold
- Quran was revealed in portions
- Was not compiled during Prophet PBUH’s life but was in arrangement
- Scribes wrote it down on tablets of leaves, bones, leather etc.
- Guidance about arrangement was given
- By Holy Prophet PBUH
- Under divine guidance from Hazrat Jibrael AS
- Holy Prophet PBUH used to mention where each revealed verse has to be put in the Quran, i.e. in which chapter and at what place
- Chapters were set as per divine guidance of Hazrat Jibrael
- A complete copy not there, but individual companions had their copies (of different parts of the Quran)
- Used to recite the whole Quran till that point in Ramzan loudly so companions and scribes can check their version, did 2 times in the last year of his life during Ramzan.
1.2 Compilation of Quran
- In Khilafat of Hazrat Abubakr RA, many Haffaz died in Battle of Yamamah
- Hazrat Umer RA realized that Haffaz will gradually part from this world and thus Quran needs to be preserved in written form.
- Hazrat Abu Bakr at first was not in agreement, but agreed once he realized the urgency of the situation
- Appointed Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit RA to produce one compile copy of the Quran by gathering in from all the sources present.
- He considered this responsibility to be more difficult than carrying a mountain on his head
- He was himself a hafiz
- Collected everything in writing from different sources first
- His commission had a number of companions of the Holy prophet PBUH
- Many of whom had learned the Quran directly from the Holy Prophet PBUH
- Prepared one authentic script that was with Hazrat Abu Bakr RA and after his death with Hazrat Umer RA and then with Hazrat Hafsa RA
- Called Mashaf Al Hafsa or Hafsa’s copy of the Holy Book.
- In Hazrat Usman’s RA converts of newly conquered areas were reading Quran differently because they were not natives of Arabic
- Syria and Iraq
- Hazrat Anas bin Malik told the Khalifa about the problem
- He ordered for official copies to made in Quraishi dialect from Mashaf Al Hafsa under Hazrat Zain bin Sabit RA and 3 other knowledgeable Muslims.
- Every copy was read in the Prophet PBUH’s mosque to ensure that there were no differences from the original copy
- Each state capital was given a copy
- These copies were to be used to produce other copies
- Any copy apart from the official ones to be destroyed by fire
- Hazrat Usman RA called Jami al Quran because he brought Muslims to unified reading of the Quran that has been passed down the ages in its purest form.
1.1 Quran in legal thinking
- Quran is the foundation of Islam as it is the Will of Allah for its believers
- All Shariah is in the Quran
- Sovereignty belongs to Allah
- Muslims should lead lives according to the Quran
- It tells about every aspect of Human life. From beliefs till morality.
- Information about worship, civil transactions and even property etc are in the Quran and also some of the punishments
- Muslims are told to put the contracts is writing and fulfill them
- It tells how to conduct war and how to distribute the booty
- Tells about marriage and divorce etc and other social issues like family law etc.
- Tells about inheritance
- The vices are mentioned with their punishments mostly
- Law of eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth and wounds equal for equal.
- Repeals objectionable customs like infanticide
- Tells about Halal and Haram foods
- It’s everlasting. And meets the need of all time
- Complete for all aspects of Human life.
1.2 Ijma
- Meaning
- The consensus of the opinion of the learned amongst the Islamic community regarding Islamic Jurisprudence
- In simple words, it is the combined decision taken by the learned people from the Muslim comunity based on the Quran and Hadith on matters that are not explicity explained in the Quran and Hadith
- Allah has perfected the religion in Islam
- A perfect religion has the answer to every problem
- As a result, Islam has a system to cater the new problems that arise in every time to come.
- The Quran mentions a few aspects in detail
- Others are either mentioned in a synopsis
- OR they are complete not mentioned in certain cases
- Wherever the Quran is silent on a matter, the Hadith has explained the matter in detail
- However, as time passes new issues arise due to the need of time
- Or due to changing circumstances
- In such cases, Muslims are guided to gather the learned people from amongst the Muslim community and take their consensus on a decision based on the Quran and Sunnah
- This principal of SHURA or mutual consultation is mentioned in Quran
- Allah instructs the Prophet PBUH to consult the Shura in affairs of moment
- The Holy prophet PBUH himself confirmed
- First book of Allah has to be consulted
- Then the Hadith of the Prophet PBUH
- If still no clear answer, then consensual decision of the Umma is accepted.
- The Holy Prophet PBUH also guided Hazrat Ali RA about Ijma
- Mentioned that one man;s opinion must not be followed
- Instead, consensus must be taken
- In legal aspects, the Prophet PBUH’ decision is binding
- However, in worldly matters, such as war, the Prophet PBUH himself preferred taking an Ijma
- For example, his opinion was that Muslims should stay within Madina in Uhad
- However, the majority suggested fighting outside
- Thus, the majority’s decision was accepted
- Similarly, the decision to dig trench was taken when Ijma was done and Hazrat Salman Farsi RA suggested digging a Trench
- In all Sunni schools, it is considered important
- Hazrat Abu Bakr’s RA election was also on Ijma
- The decision to give 2 calls to Friday prayers in the time of Hazrat Usman RA was also on Ijma
- Three types of Ijma
- Ijma of the companions of the Holy Prophet PBUH
- Considered binding
- Ijma of the jurists
- Ijma of the people
- General body of Muslims
- The second and third type is not binding
- It can be revoked or changed by another Ijma in the same time or later
- Ijma is required in present time to bring unity
- Common issues solved via Ijma
- A true international jurists council for Islam
- Permanent decision taken by such international level meetings
- One taken within the country on local situation
- Not binding
- Can be changed by another Ijma later
- Ijma of the companions of the Holy Prophet PBUH
1.3 Qiyas
- It is the arabic word for analogy
- Understanding the answer to one situation based on the precedents of similar situations
- The Qiyas is done from
- Quran
- Hadith
- Ijma
- It literally means
- Measuring or equality
- This aspect means that it judges one situation based on similar other situations
- Hazrat Muaz Bin Jabal RA situation
- Hazrat Abu musa Ashari RA situation
- Prophet PBUH used Qiyas at certain points
- The case of man’s father dying without Hajj
- Other examples in recent times
- Intoxicants
- Such as opium etc not known at that time
- But Prophet PBUH said
- Every intoxicant is Khamr, so every intoxicant is Haram
- Likeness of two situations
- Opium Haram
- Zakat
- Money instead of the goat itself
- Friday prayer
- Transactions after the Azan
- For sales
- Qiyas: all transactions forbidden
- As they cause distraction from prayers
- Wuzu
- Based on flour on nails
- Hazrat Ayesha RA
- So nail polish Wuzu not happens
- Qiyas
- Quas must be based on Quran, Sunnah and then only Ijma (if no answer present in Quran and Sunnah (Hadith)
- Based on flour on nails
- Should not go against clear teachings of Islam
- Must be according to Islam
- Transactions after the Azan
- Intoxicants
- First Quran
- Then Hadith and Sunnah
- Then Ijma
- Then Qiyas
Lesson Tags
Revelation of The Quran| History of the Quran | Compilation of the Quran | Detailed Notes For Preparation & Revision | O Level Islamiyat 2058 and IGCSE Islamiyat 0493 |
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