The Holy Prophet PBUH’s Life in Madinah
2.1 Life in Madinah
1st year of Hijrat
- Mosque of the Prophet
- Building of the mosque was the first action of the Holy Prophet ( PBUH ) after migration.
- This mosque became the center for all type of activities for example Political , Military etc.
- It became a center for learning and also a social institution
- Muslims learnt and practised discipline, brotherhood and unity.
- The land for the mosque was bought from two orphans and was known as ‘Masjid -e- Nabawi’ or the ‘Mosque of the Prophet’
- The mosque had one corner reserved known as ‘Suffah’ it became a training center for Islamic education and also a place where poor people could reside and have shelter.
- The roof and wall of the mosque was made up of unbaked bricks and mud.
- Azan ( Call for prayer )
- Azaan was introduced as suggested by Hazrat Umer
- Call to the Muslims
- Come to the mosque and offer their prayers.
- Hazarat Bilal is regarded as the first Muezzin ( The person who gives Azan ) of Islam.
- Call to the Muslims
- Azaan was introduced as suggested by Hazrat Umer
- Arrangement for the inhabitants of MadinahSettlement of Muhajrin
- Muhajrin were the people who had migrated to Madinah from makkah. The word Muhajrin means emigrants.
- Ansar were the people of Madinah who had helped the Muhajrin to settle. The word Ansar means helpers.
- The emigrants were poor as they had left all their belongings in Madinah.
- Holy Prophet ( PBUH ) created a brotherhood between the Muhajrin and the ansar. One Ansar was made brother of a Muhajrin. As the Muhajrin were in need of help , the ansar were willingly accepted the offer of the formation of a brotherhood.
- As a result the Ansar treated them with hospitality and shared all their belongings with them.
- Treaty with the Jews
- There were three tribes of the Jews : Banu Qainuqa , Banu Nazir , Banu Quraiza
- Foundation of the Islamic empire weak if a treaty of cooperation would not be signed with all the people living in Madinah
- Threat from the Quraish
- Holy Prophet ( PBUH ) invited the Jewish tribes for consultation .
- A treaty was signed between the Muslims and the Jews
- gave freedom to the Jews regarding their faith.
- Muslims would not interfere with the faith of the Jews
- Would have full liberty to follow their own faith
- Muslims and the Jews allies
- Neither party would commit aggression
- In case of attack on Madinah
- both the Muslims and the Jews would defend it.
- This treaty developed cordial relationship between the Muslims and the Jews.
- This treaty made sure that the Muslims and the Jews lived peacefully as citizens of the same state.
- This treaty further established Holy Prophet ( PBUH ) as the leader of the state of Madinah.
- Undisputed leader and a ruler of Madinah.
- Hypocrites
- Hypocrites or the Munafiqin were the people who had accepted Islam but were not happy with the success of the Prophet ( PBUH )
- Followed all its rituals such as keeping a fast , offering prayer
- Deep in their hearts
- Hatred for the Prophet ( PBUH ) and his companions
- Spared no chance to harm them.
- The leaders of the Hypocrites was ‘Abdullah bin Ubbay ‘.
- Before migration he was to be crowned as the King of Madinah
- He was deprived of this position.
- Continued to have a bad influence on the haters of Islam.
- He took away 300 supporters and almost broke the strenght of the Muslims .
- After the battle of Trench he remained in contact with the Jewsish tribes after they were exiled from Madinah.
- Them about every movement of the Muslims.
- Abdullah bin Ubbay also built a mosque outside Madinah where he used to pot against the Prophet ( PBUH )
- A verse was revealed informing the Prophet about the mosque this mosque
- Masjid-e- Zarrar.
- Soon after the Tabuk expedition Adullah bin ubbay died
- Many of his supporters accepted the faith.
- Before migration he was to be crowned as the King of Madinah
2.2 2nd year of Hijrat
- Fasting
- Fasting in the month of Ramadan was made compulsory for all the Muslims
- “O you who believe ! Fasting has been prescribed on you as it was prescribed to those before you so that you may leanr self – restraint “
- Fasting in the month of Ramadan was made compulsory for all the Muslims
- Zakat
- Zakat was also made compulsory for all the Muslims who could afford ( were rich ) in the following words ” And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah, do good for Allah loveth those who do good “
- Change of Qiblah
- At first the Qiblah was the Mosque of Al- Aqsa in Jerusalam in Madinah
- Holy Prophet ( PBUH ) was offering his Asr prayer
- Ordered to face in the direction of the Ka’abah
- In the following words ” We see the turning of your face ( for guidance ) to the heavens , now shall we turn you to a Qiblah, that shall please you . Turn then your face in the direction of the sacred mosque. “
- Battle of Badr
- People of Makkah saw rise of Muslims in madinah as a threat to them
- Jews were a major issue for muslims too who were breaking treaties
- Munafiqin were an issue
- Hypocrites
- People of Makkah asked people of Madinah to either give them Prophet PBUH or kill him
- Abu Sufyan asked for an army to escort him
- Jihad was allowed in Safar 2 AH
- Army went to attack Madinah
- Both the armies met at Badr
- Quraysh took all the important places at Badr
- 313 Muslims
- 2 horses and few camels
- 1000 Quraish
- Muslims won
- Major Quraysh leaders killed
- 70 in total
- 70 prisoners taken
- Abbas – uncle of Prophet PBUH
- Aqeel- Brother of Hazrat Ali
- Abul Aas – Son in Law of Prophet PBUH
- Quran mentions the victory at Badr
- Captives were treated mercifully
- Day of Testing
- Decisive Muslim victory
- Prophet PBUH’s position became stronger
- Quraysh lost all their main leaders
- Many new converts
- Allah sent angels to help Muslims in Badr
- Banu Qainuqa
- Broke their agreement
- Exiled from Madinah
2.3 3 AH
- Uhad
- Ka’ab bin Ashraf from Banu Nazir
- Mourned the death of leaders of Makkah
- Pledged support against Muslims
- 3000 men left Makkah for Madinah
- Prophet PBUH wanted to fight from inside the city
- Companions suggested the opposite
- 3 Miles north of Madinah at Uhad
- Abdullah bin Ubbay deserted with 300 men
- 50 archers posted to defend the mountain so there is no attack from Behind
- Quraysh women accompanied too
- Quraysh started to flee – archers left to take spoils
- Khalid Bin Walid attacked from behind
- Prophet PBUH lost 1teeth and received wounds
- Was defended by a small force
- 70 Muslims killed and 40 injured
- Quraysh lost 30 people
- Hinda chewed liver of Hazrat Hamza to avenge death of her father
- Muslims learnt a lesson for disobeying and also that they have to defend Islam even if prophet PBUH passed away
- There were rumour during battle that prophet PBUH has been killed
- The desertion of Abdullah bin Ubbay and his men weakened the army
- Muslims learnt that they did not fight for booty but for the noble goal of protectin Islam
- Muslims lost hope when they were counter attacked – they learnt that they are not bound to win just because they are Muslims
- They still succeeded in saving Madinah from being taken over
- Prophet PBUH proved his superior military tactics
- 60 verses in Surah Al-Imran focuses on uhad
2.4 4th year
- Banu Nazir
- Tried to murder the Prophet PBUH
- Tried to rise against Muslims
- Prophet PBUH told them to leave Madinah
- They refused for were besieged for 2 weeks
- They surrendered and were exiled
2.5 5th year
- Battle of Trench
- Banu Nazir
- Quraysh
- Ghatafan tribe along with some others
- 10000 army of unbelievers
- Hazrat Salman Farsi suggested the idea of digging trench
- 3000 Muslims worked on it
- Banu Quraiza also joined unbelievers
- Also called Battle of Allies – Battle of Ahzab
- Hypocrites also withdrew support
- 1 month long siege
- Strong storm destroyed the tents of unbelievers one night and they had to leave
- Islam became even stronger
- The battle completely broke strength of the unbelievers
- Banu Quraiza
- Saad bin Muaz led the siege against them
- Lasted about 1 month
- They surrendered
- Jewish law of old testament applied
- Men were killed
- Women and Children taken captives
- Quran mentions this too.
2.6 6 AH
- Treaty of Hudaibiya
- Prophet PBUH dreamed of entering Makkah
- Decided to go for Umrah
- 1400 unarmed companions
- Were not allowed entry – stayed at Hudaibiya – 3 miles from Makkah
- 1 Messenger sent to convey that only Umrah was intended
- Messenger detained
- Another one sent
- He also detained
- Hazrat Usman sent
- Rumours spread that he was killed
- Oath taken by Prophet PBUH for battle near Rizwan oasis called Bait e Rizwan
- Quriaysh became afraid
- Treaty with Muslims
- Not allowed entry this year
- Next year can enter Makkah for 3 days and perform Umrah
- If a member of Quraysh fled to Madinah he will be returned but if a Muslim went to Makkah- not returned
- No fighting with each other or allies of each other for 10 years.
- Many muslims were not happy
- Even hazrat Umar
- Allah told Prophet PBUH to accept it and called it a manifest victory
- The treaty allowed more contact between Makkans and people of Madinah, so more converts
- Fighting ceased so focus could be diverted elsewhere
- Hazrat Khalid bin Walid and Amr bin Aas Ra accepted Islam
- New muslims who were not allowed according to the treaty to enter Madinah established their camp and looted the Quraysh.
- Later migrated to Mahinah when treaty over.
2.7 7 AH
- Message of Islam to other rulers
- Preparations made in 6 AH
- Messengers sent in 7 AH
- Herclius – Roman Emperor
- Asked abu Sufyan about Prophet PBUH. Upon hearing the praises, he sent a polite reply. Said that Prophet PBUH had all the qualities of a prophet.
- Chosroes – Persia
- Tore letter and insulted the messenger
- Prophesized that his kingdom would also break and same happened
- Negus – Abyssinia
- Became Muslim and sent presents for Prophet PBUH
- Cyrus – Egypt
- Respected the messenger and sent presents – including horse named Duldul and Hazrat Maria Qibtia. Did not become muslim
- Bahrain and Oman Rulers
- Became Muslim
- Khyber
- Jewish exiled tribes of Madinah settled in Khyber
- Ghatafan tribe and hypocrites supported them
- Saw Hudaibiya as sign of Muslim weakness
- 1600 Muslims advanced towards Khyber
- Jews shut themselves in their 7 forts
- 20000 army
- Qamus was the strongest fort
- All forts captured with ease, but on Qamus fighting delayed for 20 days.
- Hazrat Ali RA to lead days command
- Muslims captured the fort
- Upon their request, they were guaranteed peace.
- Reasons for issues with Jews
- The growing importance of Prophet PBUH in Madinah
- Their learned Rabbis embraced Islam
- Jews charged interest and were money lenders
- Islam was against it
- Aus and Khazraj rivalry that Jews used to their advantage ended with Islam
- Change of Qiblah
- Jews began to plot against Muslims
- Expelled from Madinah
- Umrah
- Performed Umrah as per Treaty
2.8 8 AH
- Battle of Mutah
- Messenger to Roam emperor killed at Mutah in Syria
- Army sent
- 3 leaders martyred
- Hazrat Khalid Bin Walid RA took command
- Defeated enemy and won the battle
- Conquest of Makkah
- Khuza joined Muslims after Hudaiiya
- Banu Bakr joined Quraysh
- Banu Bakr attacked Khuza and violated the terms of Hudaibiya
- Quraysh were asked to either pay compensation or end alliance with Banu Bakr – or end treaty of Hudaibiya
- Quraysh ended Hudaibiya
- Prophet PBUH left Madinah on 10 Ramzan 8 AH
- Army of 10 thousand
- Divided in 4 squadrons
- Not to attack till attacked – only defend themselves
- Quraysh were bewitched by such an army
- Banu Bakr attacked Khalid Bin Walid RA squadron, 28 men killed
- General pardon announced for everyone except 16 or 17 people who were the bitterest enemies of Islam
- No one to be killed or injured
- Anyone who surrendered would be safe
- House of Abu Sufyan declared Dar Al Aman
- All promises kept
- After Tawaf – 360 idols ordered to be destroyed
- General pardon for all Quraysh
- Only 4 people out of the original list of 16 or 17 were actually killed from the bitterest enemies.
- The Zuhr azan was given by Hazrat Bilal from the roof of the Ka’abah
- Many people came to Prophet PBUH at Safa hill to embrace Islam
- 15 days stay in Makkah
- Many other tribes also accepted Islam
- A governor appointed for Makkah
- Battle of Hunain
- Hawazin and Saqeed tribes were preparing to attack Muslims
- 12000 army – 10000 people of Madinah and 2000 new converts to Islam
- Secret attack by enemy archers in the valley of Hunain
- Muslims first retreated but then gathered back.
- Mentioned by name in Quran
- 6000 prisoners of war taken and 24000 camels and 40000 goats taken
- Siege of Taif
- 20 days siege but then ended
- 9 AH all of Taif became Muslims
2.9 9 AH
- Tabuk Expedition
- 9 AH
- Roman emperor commanding army against Muslims – on Syrian border
- Famine and water scarcity in Madinah
- Very hot
- Expedition of Straitness
- Call for donations
- Hazrat Abu Bakr RA donated everything he had
- Hazrat Umar RA donated half of everything he had
- Hazrat Usman RA donated 1000 gold dinars and 300 camels
- Muslim ladies also contributed
- 30000 army
- Difficult journey
- Romans dispersed without fight
- Prophet PBUH stayed there for 20 days
- Many new converts
- 3 people who did not went with army of Prophet PBUH were excused.
- Last expedition in which Prophet PBUH took part
3.0 10 AH
- Am – Al Wafd
- Year of deputations, many deputations sent
- Many tribes joined Islam
- Farewell Pilgrimage
- Hajjat ul Wida
- Left Madinah on 25 Ziqad 10 AH
- 114000 muslims with him
- 4th ZilHajj reached Makkah
- Gave sermon on Jabal e Rahmat in Arafat
- Universal charter of Human Rights
- Accountability on Day of Judgement
- Right of wives
- Right of slaves made almost similar to master
- Basic commandments of Islam
- Brotherhood
- Last verse revealed of the perfection of religion (5:3)
3.1 11 AH
- Illness and Death
- Illness in Safar
- 5th day of illness went to apartment of Hazrat Ayesha
- 13 days total illness
- Passed away ion 12 Rabi ul Awwal
- 63 years old
- Buried at the place of passing away.
Lesson Tags
Life in Madinah | Battle of Badr | Battle of Uhad | Battle of Trench | Detailed Notes For Preparation & Revision | O Level Islamiyat 2058 and IGCSE Islamiyat 0493 |
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