The Holy Prophet PBUH’s Life in Makkah
1.1 Arabia before Holy Prophet(PBUH)’s birth:
- The time was known as Age of Ignorance for Arabia
- Polytheist community
- Wrapped in the darkness of idol worship
- Idols in every house and also in Ka’abah
- Worship of stones and trees
- Vices like gambling and drinking
- No regard for slaves, widows and orphans
- Worst condition of women
- Treated as trade articles
- Had no inheritance rights
- Were bought and sold
- Extreme form of polygamy with step mothers as inherited legal wives after father’s death
- No proper law and order
- The people had traits of being hospitable and heroic
1.2 Birth and early life of Holy Prophet(PBUH):
- Born in Arabia
- Mother Amna and father Abdullah
- Given to Halima Saadia as infant
- He called her ‘my mother’ and had immense respect
- Halima Saadia brought him back to Hazrat Aminah at age 6,
- She took him to Yasrab at his father’s grave,
- Mother died on return journey and buried at Abwa
- Umm-e-Aiman brought him back to Makkah
- Under care of grand father Abdul Muttalib who died when Holy Prophet(PBUH) was 8
- Finally under the care of uncle Abu Talib
- Holy Prophet(PBUH) got no formal education
- Showed early signs of intelligence at age 9
- Used to stay alone
- Had a sweet nature
- Was very helping for widows and orphans
- Hated polytheism
- Worked as a shepherd in youth
- When on a trade journey to Basra with uncle where Bahira, a christian monk recognized signs of prophet hood
- Bahira stopped then from going far into Syria as Jews could harm him
1.3 Harb-ul-Fijar:
- When HolyProphet(PBUH) was 15, a war took place between Quraish and Hawazin tribes
- Fought in the months when fighting was prohibited (origin of the name)
- Holy Prophet(PBUH) tool passive part in war giving him military experience
- He collected arrows and gave them to uncles
- The war showed him the tragic results and bloodshed ultimately making him dislike wars
- First armed fight he ever witnessed
1.4 Half-al-Fazul:
- A league formed after the war
- Main objectives
- Establish peace
- Help oppressed
- Stopping violence
- 3 main participants were called al-Fazl and collectively the alliance was al-Fazul
- Name means establishing honour
- Gathering at the house of Abdullah bin judan by hashimites for the pledge. Holy Prophet(PBUH) took part too
- The leader was Zubair bin Abdul Muttalib
1.5 Names of Holy Prophet(PBUH) : Al-Sadiq & Al-Amin:
- After working as a shepherd, Holy Prophet(PBUH) started trade
- Was extremely honest and fair
- People named him Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin
- Everyone left valuables with him y even after prophet hood as he was trustworthy
1.6 Marriage to Hazrat Khadija:
- Hazrat Khadija was a wealthy widow in Makkah who was very respectable
- She was daughter of Khuwalid who was the great grandson of Qussai
- Had 2 sons and a daughter from previous marriage
- Was twice widowed by the age of 40
- Was called Tahira- the pious one , due to her character
- Asked Holy Prophet(PBUH) to do trade for her and sent slave, Maisara with him to Syria
- they came back with good profits and the slave appreciated Holy Prophet(PBUH)’s fair dealings
- Hazrat Khadija made a marriage offer to Holy Prophet(PBUH) and Abu Talib accepted it on his nephew’s behalf
- At the time of marriage, she was 40 and Holy Prophet(PBUH) was 25
- It was a successful marriage and they had 4 daughters and 2 sons (sons died in infancy)
- She was Holy Prophet(PBUH)’s only wife till her death at age 65
- She was buried in Makkah
1.7 Hajr Al-Aswad , the black stone:
- The Ka’abah was at the lower part of Faran valley and was flooded constantly
- The building got damaged and was rebuilt by leading families of Makkah
- Dispute arose in the fixing of Hajr al-Aswad
- To prevent bloodshed, it was decided that the first person to enter Makkah next morning would solve the issue
- Holy Prophet(PBUH) was the first next day (aged 35)
- He placed the stone on a sheet and asked all leaders to hold its corners and lift it
- When it reached the level, he took it and placed the stone himself
- Thus, the situation was solved by his wisdom
1.8 Call to Prophethood:
- As Holy Prophet(PBUH) grew up, he started to go into a nearby mountain named Hira where he would meditate over condition of people
- This became more frequent by the time he reached 40
- One day, towards end of Ramazan, Harzt Jibrael came to him and asked him to read
- Holy Prophet(PBUH) was startled by the strange voice and said “I cannot read”
- He flet being hugged so hard he thought suffocation would kill him
- He was again asked to read and this happened 3 times
- After third time he asked “what shall I read?” to which the first 5 versed of Surah Alaq were revealed
- Holy Prophet(PBUH) recited the versed after the angel. This was the first revelation
- He was shaken by this and ran out where he saw Hazrat Jibrael in the form of a man filling the entire horizon
- Hazrat Jibrael said “O Muhammad(PBUH), you are the messenger of Allah and I am Jibrael”.
- Every where there was the same vision for Holy Prophet(PBUH) until the angel disappeared
- Holy Prophet(PBUH) went home and was comforted by his wife who took him to her cousin Warqa bin Naufal, a scholarly Christian
- Warqa confirmed that Harzat Jibrael brought revelation to previous messengers too and that Holy Prophet(PBUH) will be exiled from Makkah
1.9 Life in Makkah
- Migration to Ayssinia
- To save Muslims from sufferings
- 5th Year of Prophet Hood
- 11 men and 4 women
- Included Hazrat Usman and Prophet PBUH’s daughter
- Next group of 79 men and 7 women including Hazrat Jafar
- Najashi respected them
- Quraysh asked Najashi to send them back
- After hearing Quran from Hazrat Jafar – Surah Maryam
- He considered Christianity and Islam to have the same basic thought
- He returned gifts of Quraysh
- Did not give the Muslims
- Muslims were able to escape persecution
- First major political move of Prophet PBUH
- United the Muslims
- Islam spread further
- These people were given spoils of Khyber conquest because they were considered on Jihad when they arrived in Madinah
- Muslims learned that outside Makkah they may live in peace
- Quraysh saw Muslim determination
- Troubles for Muslims in Makkah increased
- Boycott of Banu Hashim
- Fast spread of Islam
- Quraish worried
- Banu Hashim did not withdraw protection from Holy Prophet PBUH
- 7th year of Prophethood
- All other tribes wrote and agreement to boycott Bani Hashim
- Except Abu Lahb
- Banu Hashim was forced in Shib Abi Talib
- Valley Blocked
- Only at time of pilgrimage were people allowed to come out
- Children cried with hunger
- Adults ate boiled leather and leaves
- 3 years this continued
- Then ended by kind hearted unbelievers
- Caused disunity in unbelievers
- Am ul Hazn
- 10 year of prophet hood
- Hazrat Khadija and Hazrat Abu Talib died
- Year of grief
- Loss of protection of Abu Talib meant Quraysh openly tortured the Holy Prophet PBUH
- Marriage with Hazrat Sawdah and Ayesha in same year
- Taif Visit
- Quraish increased persecution after death of Hazrat Abu Talib
- Saqeef lived in Taif – second largest Arabian tribe
- Prophet PBUH with Zaid bin Haris
- They mocked prophet and teenagers threw stones at him and mocked him
- Zaid tried to protect
- Was wounded badly in head
- Prophet PBUH badly wounded – feet filled with blood
- Seek refuge in orchard outside Taif
- Although owners were against him
- They felt bad for him
- Their christian slave bought grapes for prophet PBUH
- Prophet PBUH prayed for Taif people to come on righteous path
- 9 AH
- All of them became muslims
- Aqabah
- 11 Year
- 6 pilgrims from Khazraj of Yasrib
- Accepted Islam
- 12 Year
- 12 people from Yasrib
- Accepted Islam at aqabah and agreed to spread it
- First Pledge
- Prophet PBUH sent 2 people with them to spread Islam
- 13 Year
- 75 people
- Second Pledge
- Invited Prophet PBUH to Yasrib – aoong with followers
- Islam started spreading in Yasirb
- 11 Year
- Migration
- Aqabah gave the idea
- People of Yasrib were supportive
- There were no priests of Ka’abah in Yasrib
- Aus and Khazraj in Yasrib needed someone to end their problems
- Jews wanted to meet the person who supported their testaments
- Death of Abu Talib and constant aggression of Quraysh
- How it Happened
- Persecutions increased
- Only Hazrat Abu Bakr RA, Hazrat Ali RA and Prophet PBUH left to migrate
- Quraysh decided in Dar ul Nadwa to simultaneously attack and kill prophet
- 1 person from each tribe
- Banu Hashim can not take revenge
- Ali RA slept in Prophet PBUH’s place
- Prophet PBUH and Hazrat Abu Bakr RA stayed for 3 days and nights at Cave of Saur
- 1 hundred camels nominated for anyone who can catch the Prophet PBUH
- Allah made a pigeon nest and web on the cave so the people in search did not enter it. Branches also covered the entrance
- Abdullah bin Abu Bakr brought news and Asma bint Abu Bakr brought food
- Made Masjid e Quba on way
- First Friday address given in quarters of Bani Saleem
- Prophet PBUH was warmly welcomed in Madinah
- Decided to stay where camel stopped
- Land of 2 orphans
- Bought it – Hazrat Abu Bakr RA paid the price
- Stayed with Abu Ayub Ansari till mosque built
- Called Hijrat and marks the start of Islamic Calender
- Importance
- It changed the course of Human history
- Allowed for Islam to spread openly
- The persecutions of Makkans were over and the focus now was on learning and practicing the principles of Islam
- It proved that any other thing was less important than Allah to the true Muslims
- Muakhat between Ansar and Muhajirin
- Turning point in prophet PBUH’s life
- Now he was a statesman, politician, teacher and head of state
Lesson Tags
Life in Makkah | Am Ul Hazn | Migration to Abyssinia | Migration to Madinah | Persecution by Quraysh | Detailed Notes For Preparation & Revision | O Level Islamiyat 2058 and IGCSE Islamiyat 0493 |
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