The Ten Blessed Companions
1.1 Companions of Prophet PBUH
- Ashab
- Anyone who was a Muslim and stayed in company of Prophet PBUH is Sahabi
- Quran says these people are strongly attached to the true faith
- Being a Sahabi gave desert people so much knowledge and learning
- 10 blessed companions are given the tidings of Paradise here on Earth
- These are called Ashrah Mubasharah
- All of them were from Quraish
- Among the earliest converts
- Hazrat Abu Bakr – Hazrat Umar – Hazrat Usman – Hazrat Ali
- See the resources uploaded for paper 2
- Hazrat Talha
- Grand nephew of Hazrat Abu Bakr
- One of the earliest converts
- Faced persecution from Quraish
- Brave in wars
- Was not part of Badr
- Special mission of Prophet PBUH outside madinah
- In Uhad
- Shielded the prophet PBUH with his body
- He became unconscious from the wounds
- His first question on consciousness was regarding the safety of Prophet PBUH
- He is called the living martyr – according to a hadith
- Present at treaty of Hudaibiya
- Played major role in Battle of Hunain
- Received title of Fayyaz
- Member of Islamic council in the time of the first 2 khalifas
- Was in election committee for Hazrat Usman
- Swore allegiance to him
- Killed during Khilafat of Hazrat Ali RA
- Successful businessman
- Distributed wealth in poor
- He is one of the neighbor of Prophet PBUH in Jannat
- Hazrat Zubair RA
- Son of Hazrat Safiyah
- Aunt of Prophet PBUH
- Hazrat Khadija was his aunt
- He was one of the earliest converts
- Used to be tortured by fire by his uncle
- Migrated to Abyssinia
- Returned to Makkah
- Ready to face danger for Islam
- Took part on all battles in life of Prophet PBUH
- Was rich and generous
- Title – disciple of the messenger of Allah
- Hazrat Umar called hi One of the pillars of faith
- He was the 5th person to accept Islam
- Son of Hazrat Safiyah
- Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah
- One of the most distinguished companion
- Accepted Islam on invitation of Hazrat Abu Bakr
- Was young when accepted
- Brave soldier
- Took part in most battles
- Killed his father in Badr who was non Muslim
- In Uhad – he protected the Prophet PBUH
- Took out metal links from Prophet PBUH’s helmet using teeth
- Broke 2 teeth
- Was leader of one squadron in conquest of Makkah
- Was trustworthy
- Holy Prophet made him judge of an area
- Witness of treaty of Hudaibiya
- He was also nominated along with Hazrat Abu Bakr RA for khilafat
- He was the second person to pledge allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr RA
- He commanded armies in time of Hazrat Abu Bakr
- Given title of Amin-ul-Ummat
- Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas
- Maternal uncle of Prophet PBUH
- Accepted Islam at age 17
- First to shed blood for Islam
- Great warrior
- Protected the Prophet PBUH in Uhad
- Prophet PBUH passed him arrows
- Declared one of the best archers
- Present at treaty of Hudaibiya
- Commander in chief of army in Battle of Qadisiya
- Led operations from his sick bed
- One of the 6 people to choose next Khalifa
- Hazrat Usman RA made him Governor of Kufa
- He was asked to be Khalifa after Hazrat Usman
- Saad RA refused to pledge allegiance to Hazrat Ali RA
- He left a large property behind him
- Hazrat Abdur Rahman bin Auf
- Common ancestor with Prophet PBUH in Kalab
- 13th person to become Muslim
- One of the first to migrate to Abyssinia
- Migrated to Madinah
- Became rich as a merchant
- Took part on all important battles
- 21 wounds in Uhad
- Very generous
- Ameer-e-hajj in time of the first 3 Khalifas
- He was left to select the Khalifa after Hazrat Umar
- Died in 32 AH
- Hazrat Saeed bin Zaid
- His father was on true father of Hazrat Ibrahim
- 28th person to accept Islam
- Aged less than 20 when became Muslim
- Was married to Hazrat Umar RA sister
- Hid from Hazrat Umar who was staunch enemy of Islam at that time
- One of those who could read and write
- Was not present in Badr – present in all others
- He stayed ahead of Prophet PBUH to protect him from enemy
- Commander of Infantry in invasion of Syria during Hazrat Umar RA reign
- 14 AH took part in conquering of Damascus
- Became governor of Damascus
- Resigned because loved Jahad
- Died in 50 AH almost
Lesson Tags
Ten Blessed Companions | Ashrah Mubashrah | Detailed Notes For Preparation & Revision | O Level Islamiyat 2058 and IGCSE Islamiyat 0493 |
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