Wives of the Prophet PBUH
1.1 Wives
- Called Ummahat Ul Mominin
- Mothers of the faithful
- States even in the Quran
1.2 Hazrat Khadija
- Called Tahira – meaning the pure
- Was married twice before and had children from previous marriages
- Ran her father’s inherited business
- Was rich and stable
- She was also called Umm-e-Hind
- She needed an honest person to help in her trade activities
- People suggested Hazrat Muhammad PBUH
- Maisra – her slave – praised the Prophet’s trade activates and character
- She herself proposed to the prophet PBUH
- She was 40 years old at time of marriage while Holy Prophet PBUH was only 25
- The idea of marrying females bigger than your age is not prohibited in Islam
- Happy marriage
- 2 sons and 4 daughters
- Sons died while still young
- She died in the Year of Grief – 11 Ramzan 10 Year of prophet hood
- She was the first covert to Islam and the second Muslim after the Holy Prophet PBUH
- She was totally committed to Islam’s cause and bore all hardships – even made her funds available for Islam
- The Holy Prophet PBUH loved her even after her death
- Hazrat Ayesha RA got jealous
- Hala – her sister sounded like her
- Prophet PBUIH used to recognize the voice even long after her death
- The Prophet PBUH held her in high regard
- She is considered the nolblest women in the world along with Hazrat Maryam – mother of Hazrat Isa AS
1.2 Hazrat Sawdah
- After Hazrat Khadija RA – prophet PBUH married the widow Hazrat Sawdah
- Companions suggester her name
- She was one of the migrants to Abyssinia
- Was the only Muslim in her family
- Needed protection after Husband’s death
- Extremely devoted to the Prophet PBUIH
- She even loved Hazrat Ayesha RA
- Her place of stay and Hazrat Ayesha’s place of stay were the first in the Mosque of the Prophet PBUH
- She was extremely pious and simple
- She did not even left house for Hajj or Umrah after Prophet PBUH’s death as that is what the Prophet PBUH instructed
- She used to get up with the Prophet PBUH for prayers
- Died in 22 AH
- Buried in Jannatul Baqi
1.3 Hazrat Ayesha
- 10 years old at time of marriage
- Marriage solemnized on attaining maturity in Madinah
- Daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr RA
- Also called Hmaira and Um-E-Abdullah
- She was 25 years old when prophet PBUH passed away
- Stayed widowed for 48 next years
- Hazrat Umar RA gave her much respect
- She was given more allowance than the other wives
- Died on 17 Ramazan 58 Hijri
- Burried in Jannat al Baqi
- She was a leading jurist of Islam
- Even companions of the Prophet PBUH used to consult her
- Extremely Knowledgeable
- Excellent memory
- Narrated many hadith
- She stayed a lot with Prophet PBUH so had deep knowledge of religious issues
- In matters of Fiqh, her example was followed by Imam Abu Hanifa and Bukhari
- The idea of not accepting any Hadis that negates a principle in the Quran
- 2210 hadis approximately narrated by her
- It was her apartment where Prophet PBUH was buried
1.4 Hazrat Hafsa
- Daughter of Hazrat Umar RA
- Born 5 years before prophethood
- Embraced Islam with her parent
- Migrated to Abbyssinia
- Husband died in Badr
- After Iddat – Prophet PBUH expressed desire to marry her
- Property distributed to poor after death
- Buried in Jannat Al Baqi
- Extremely Knowledgeable
- Read and Wrote
- Become a teacher
- Mashaf al Hafsa – original copy of the Holy Quran
1.5 Hazrat Zainab Bint Khuzaimah
- Married to Abdullah bin Jahsh
- Died in Uhad
- Married in Ramzan 3 Hijri to Prophet PBUH
- Died soon a few months after marriage
- Buried Jannat Al Baqi
- The prophet PBUH offered her funeral prayers himself
- As per order of Quran
- She died at age 30
- Kind person
- Always helped poor – never returned anyone empty handed
- Called Umm-ul-Masakin
1.6 Hazrat Umm e Salamah
- From Makhdoon tribe
- Real name war Hind
- Father was a noble of Makkah and had fought battles of Badr and Uhad against Muslims
- Her son name Salamah
- One of the earliest Muslims
- Migrated to Abbyssinia
- First women Muslim to migrate to Madinah
- Husband died after Uhad
- Married prophet PBUH in 4 AH
- The last wife of Prophet to die
- 63 AH
- Age 84
- Buried in Jannat Al Baqi
- Narrator of large number of traditions
- Modest person
- Extremely devoted to Prophet PBUH
- Identical recitation style to Prophet PBUH
1.7 Hazrat Zainab Bint Jahsh
- First cousin of Prophet PBUIH
- Early convert
- Name before Islam – Barra
- Married to Zaid Bin haris in 3 AH
- Was uncomfortable because Zaid was freed slave
- Prophet PBUH considered him pious and thus suitable
- Was also the adopted son f the Prophet PBUH
- Divorced within a year
- Prophet PBUH proposed her
- She wanted Allah’s consultation
- Quranic ayat revealed
- Marriage formalities completed by Quran
- Died 20 AH – 53 years old
- Her house was used to extend the Prophet PBUH mosque after her death
- Buried in Jannat Al Baqi
- She was considered most religious and pious women by Holy Prophet PBUH – according to Hazrat Ayesha
- Worked to earn living
- Poor people felt their support had ended when she died
- Prophet PBUH predicted her to be the first one to die after him
- Her told the most generous would die first
1.8 Hazrat Jawairiyah Bint Haris
- Original named Bara
- Father was chief of Banu Mustaliq
- Attacked Muslims in 5 AH
- Became prisoner of war to Sabit bin Qais
- Prophet PBUH paid her ransom and married her
- All prisoners of her tribe were freed by Muslims
- Named Jawairiyah
- Died at age 65
- Buried in Jannat Al Baqi
- Prophet PBUH said he always found her busy in prayers
- Fasted too
- Quoted many traditions
1.9 Hazrat Um e-Habibah
- Real name Ramlah
- Daughter of Abu Sufyuan
- Migrated to Abyssinia
- Daughter name Habibah
- Husband left Islam
- She left him
- People of Madinah requested the Holy Prophet PBUH to marry her
- Married to prophet PBUH in 6 or 7 AH
- Died age 73 in 44 Hijri
- Followed Islam as told by Prophet PBUH
- Narrator of 65 Hadith
- She tried to help Hazrat Usman when besieged
- Rebels stopped her
2.0 Hazrat Safiyah
- Real name Zainab
- Belonged to Banu Nazir
- Went to Khyber when expelled from Madinah with her tribe
- Prophet PBUH ordered her to be seated before him and threw his mantle over her
- Given name – Safiyah after marriage
- Married on way back to Madinah
- Died at age 60 and buried in Jannat al Baqi
- She also tried to help Hazrat Usman when besieged
- Upon not being able to do so – she sent Hazrat Imam Hussain to take food and water to Hazrat Usman RA
- She was of great wisdom
2.1 Maimunah Bint Haris
- Real name Barra
- Sister in Law of Hazrat Abbas
- Hazrat Abbas requested Prophet PBUH to marry her after she was divorced and then widowed
- She was given name Maimunah after marriage
- Means the blessed one
- Married when muslims entered Makkah after 10 years
- Hazrat Ayesha called her God fearing
- She was pious and humble
- The Prophet PBUH called her the Symbol of Goodness
- 46 traditions quoted
- Died in 51 AH
- Same place where married Prophet PBUH
- Buried in Jannat Al baqi
2.2 Hazrat Rehana Bint Sham’oon
- Belonged to Banu Qurayza
- 6 AH – became prisoner of war
- Prophet PBUH freed her
- Proposed to marry if she converted to Islam – did so
- Died 10 years after Prophet’s PBUH death
2.3 Hazrat Maria Qibtia
- Prophet PBUH sent letter to chief of Egypt
- Did not accept Islam but sent presents
- Including Hazrat Maria Qibtia
- She became Muslim before reaching Madinah
- Prophet PBUH married her
- She gave birth to Prophet PBUH’s son Ibrahim RA
- Pious
- Was from respectable family
- Buried in Jannat Al Baqi
- Respected by first 2 Khalifas
- Annual pension given to her after Prophet PBUH’s death
2.4 Descendants and Imams
- Holy Prophet PBUH had children from Hazrat Khadija and Hazrat Maria Qibtia
- Hazrat Khadija
- Qasim
- Born eleven years before prophet hood
- Holy prophet PBUH called Abul Qasim
- Died at the age of 2
- Tahir
- Also called Abdullah
- Born after Prophet PBUH became Prophet
- Died within 2 years
- Zainab
- Married to Abul Aas
- Became Muslim
- Was left in Makkah at time of pilgrimage
- Her husband was non Muslim
- Captured in Badr
- Zainab gave necklace of her mother as ransom
- Necklace returned and husband left on condition to send her to Madinah
- 3 years later husband came to Madinah and became Muslim
- Zainab died in 8 AH due to wound received during migration
- Prophet PBUH offered funereal prayer
- Had a son named Ali and daughter Umama
- Umama became second wife of Hazrat Ali after death of Hazrat Fatima
- Ruqayya
- Married to Utba
- Got divorced when Abu Lahab forced his son to
- Married to Hazrat Usman
- Migrated to Abassynia
- Migrated to Madinah
- Died in 2 AH
- Umm-e-Kulsum
- Married to Utaiba
- Son of Abu Lahb
- She also got divorced
- Migrated to madinah with hazrat Sawdah
- After death of Ruqayya – married to Hazrat Usman
- 9 AH death – During Tabuk expedition
- Fatima
- Youngest Daughter
- 5 years before prophethood
- 2 AH – married to Ali
- Ali did not take a second wife in her life
- Faced extreme poverty
- Prophet PBUH told her that she will be the first from family to join him in paradise
- She died in 11 AH
- Six months after Prophet PBUH’s death
- Called Zahra – shining one
- Prophet PBUH stood up in her regard
- Mother of Hassan, Hussain, Zainab and Um-e-kulsum
- Considered dearest to Prophet PBUH
- She used to clean her father’s clothes when Abu Lahab threw sheep’s entrails on him
- She tended Prophet PBUH’s wounds after Uhad
- Very Important to Shias
- Qasim
2.5 Maria Qibtia
- Hazrat Ibrahim
- Died in infancy
- Solar eclipse – people connected it to his death
- Prophet PBUH denied this
Lesson Tags
Wives of the Holy Prophet PBUH | Detailed Notes For Preparation & Revision | O Level Islamiyat 2058 and IGCSE Islamiyat 0493 |
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