Class 14: Decade of Progress and 20 Years Aheasd
1.0 Lesson Objectives
1.1 Army control
- Removed 29 most important army leaders in first 4 months
- Including head of air force and commander in chief
- General Tikka Khan made chief of Army Staff
- FSF – Federal Security Force in October 1972
- Government controlled military
1.2 Simla Agreement
- 2 July 1972
- Bhutto and Indira Gandhi
- Prisoners of war returned
- Kashmir issue shall never be taken to international forums
- Army dependence reduced
- International reputation improved
- Increased popularity by bringing back prisoners
1.3 Constitution
- April 1972
- Martial Law ended
- Assembly based on 1970 voting
- April 1973
- Constitution decided
- 14 August 1973
- New constitution based much on 1956 constitution became law
2 houses
- Senate and assembly
- Assembly elected for 5 years
- Senate equal members from all 4 provinces
- Leader of majority party shall become prime minister
- Prime minister shall select cabinet
- President became ceremonial post
- Presidential orders had to be approved by prime minister
- Pakistan became Islamic Republic
- Both president and prime minister must be Muslims
- Pakistan became a federal state
- Provinces had their assembly
- Universal adult suffrage introduced
- Provincial leadership an be changed only by 75 percent or more majority vote in national assembly
- Basic human rights guaranteed
- Bhutto became prime minister
- Chaudhry Fazal Elahi became president
1.4 Party Politics
- PPP largest in Punjab, Sindh and National Assembly
- NWFP and Balochistan under National Awami Party and Jamia e Ulema e Islam
27 April 1972
- Coalition signed
- Provincial governors appointed after agreement of provincial assembly
- NAP/JUI will support PPP in National assembly
- Can have free hand in provinces
- Did not work out much as after 1 year the governors of NWFP and Balochistan dismissed – along with the Balochistan government
- Army involvement required to put down an uprising that took 5 years
- April 1974
- Government could limit press freedom
- Ban threatening political parties
- Coalition signed
Laws passed in 1975
- Security forces can detain suspects
- No right to bail for FSF prisoners
- Political opponents beaten by FSF
- J.A. Rahim seriously beaten by FSF
1.5 Reforms
Industrial Reforms
- Inflation needed to be reduced from 25 percent
- Nationalization of industries
Federal Ministry for Production took control
- To help invest in industrialization
- Raise living standards
- Worker unions
- Reduce inequalities in wealth
- Create money to support other government reforms
- Increase PPP popularity in urban areas
- Capable people being replaced by inexperienced civil servants
- Federal Ministry had a huge burden
- Problems created by corruption and bureaucracy
- Global recession
- Inflation reduced to 6% in 1976
Agricultural reforms
Land Ownership reforms
- 250 acres of irrigated land
- 500 acres of unirrigated land
- Gave people chance to build own farms
- Landowners transferred land to extended family
- Transferred to tenants and leased back
- Bribery and personal influence to avoid the law
Security of tenants
- Tenants given first right to purchase land if landowner sells it
- Mass eviction of tenants before the reform
- Tenants could not stand up to landowners
- Bribery and influence used
Educational Reforms
- Made 8 points as their targets
- Administration not available
- Only 13% budget for education
- Rural people saw education of their children as a decline for family income.
- Nationalized schools could not maintain standard of education
- Time needed for change
Health and Social reforms
Health Scheme
- Rural health Centres and Basic Health Units established
- Doctors and nurses training colleges
- First year to work as per government direction
- Branded medicines banned – Medical name selling allowed
- Cost of medicines decreased
- Can be taken without prescription from any pharmacy
- Shortage of doctors
- Medical companies left Pakistan
Administrative Reforms
- Modern CSP needed
- Unified pay scales and smaller number of levels
- People could now join at any level
- Opponents complained that this was a method to give high posts to followers
1.6 Election 1977
- PNA – Pakistan National Alliance – 9 opposition parties combined against PPP
- Wanted Islamic Law implementation
- Government limited public meetings to 5 people to prevent PNA from gaining support
- PPP gained landslide victory
- 154 seats
- PNA got 38 only
- Accusations of rigging
- One occasion the result was announced before counting started
- PNA organized protests
- FSF used to stop them
- Election reconducted in some areas
- Islamic laws passed like banning gambling, restriction of alcohol and banning Friday as holiday
- 19 April – declared state of emergency
- Martial law imposed
- 10000 political prisoners by June
- 5 July
- Operation Fairplay
- Army coup
- All major politicians arrested at at night
- COAS General Mohammad Zia Ul Haq took control of Pakistan
1.7 Zia ul Haq
- 5 July 1977 came to power
- Martial Law announced 7 July
- Accused Bhutto of corruption and mismanagement of government
- Had no evidence
1.8 Bhutto’s fate
- Released him at end of july
- Bhutto wanted to re assert his power
- Re arrested on 3 September
- 4 people including Bhutto accused of killing a politician using FSF
- Zia had become president in September 1978
- Bhutto was trialed for 2 years and then sentenced to death
- Zia did not change it to life imprisonment
- Bhutto was hanged on 4 April 1979
- Zia used this as a show of his strength as a leader
- Created good relations between Balochi leaders and government
- Started development projects in Balochistan
- Disbanded FSF in November 1977
- Accused Bhutto’s government of corruption
1.9 Islamization
- Postponed elections
- Countered Bhutto’s socialistic measures by calling them unislamic
- Got support of Jamaat e Islami which was powerful in politics and military
- Fought Pagan communists in Afghanistan (Russia)
- Federal Shariat Court set up
- 5 judges
- 1 chairman
- 3 ulema
- Unislamic principles and laws can be repealed
- The last court as court of appeal
- Hudood Ordinance
- Islamic punishments for drinking, theft, gambling and adultery
- Blasphemy laws were introduced
- Hudood Ordinance
- Interest tried to be replaced with profit
- June 1980 Zakat Ordinance of 2.5% tax on wealth or saving over a certain value
- Shia protested in Islamabad in 1984
- Were exempted from the Zakat tax
- Ushr ordinance
- 5 percent tax on agricultural income
- Islamiat and Pakistan Studies made compulsory in schools and colleges
- Hafiz e Quran given extra marks in civil service exams
- Arabic language promoted on radio and television
Discrimination against women
- Hudood ordinance and Qanun e Shahadat reduced women’s legal status
- Women Action Forum created
Religious Issues
- Summia Shia conflict increased
- Ahmadis were banned from posing themselves as muslims
- Ahmadi public worship was considered criminal
2.0 Afghanistan Miracle
- 25 December 1979
- Soviet Union attacked Afghanistan
- West started supporting General Zia
- High support to Pakistan
- Pakistan became a leading nation in global politics
- Effective Military established
- Became Second largest supplier of military manpower in the developing word
- 1985
- 50000 Pakistanis serving in middle east
- Karachi – best naval base in region
- Remittances were huge
Denationalized industries
- Industries could not be nationalized in future
- Nationalized industries were reformed
- Inflation and wages rose in Pakistan
- GNP increased by 6.2 % between 1977-1986
- Highest in world
Restricted Court powers
- Constitution Amendment Act 1979
- Military courts
March 1980
- Provisional Constitutional Order
- Courts cant challenge
- 19 Judges protested
- Were removed
- Replaced by those who accepted
- Civil Service brought under military control
- Military men in civil service
- 40 percent ambassadors were from military
2.1 Majlis e Shoora
- Islamic Parliament
- No real legislative power
- Make opponents your friend by appointing them to the Majlis
Elections 1985
- Announcement made on 12 August 1983
- Opposition United in Movement for Restoration of Democracy (MRD)
- Demanded Free election
- Restoration of Political parties
- Amendments in 1973 constitution to ensure more power
- Article 48 – any decision by president is valid
- 1977 – present military decision are legal
- Martial law decision can not be changed if president disagrees
- Prime Minister appointed by president without consultation
- Assembly had advisory powers only
2.2 The Referendum Idea
- 1 December 1984
- People want Islamization to continue or not?
- If Yes
- Then Zia will also continue in office
- If Yes
- People want Islamization to continue or not?
- MRD considered it unfair
- Only 10 percent of voters voted
- Zia won with a majority
- In reality people supported MRD on boycotting the referendum
- February 1985
- No political parties
- Candidates proposed by 50 people who were not party based
- 52 percent turnout
- Land lords and tribal chiefs participated
- 9 Cabinet Ministers lost
Benefits to Zia of Election
- A non PPP dominated assembly
- Elected people loyal to zia
- MRD’s call for boycott was ignored by people
- Even MRD members contested elections
- Muhammad Khan Junejo made prime minister
- Made a new party with Zia’s support called the Muslim league
- Nawaz Sharif – Chief Minister of Punjab helped Junejo in strengthening the MuslimLeague
30 December 1985
- Martial Law ended
- 1973 constitution with amendments restored
Eight Amendment passed
- Martial Law acts became law
- Cannot be appealed against
- President to appoint governors, prime minister and provincial ministers
- President can dismiss Prime Minister and the Assembly
- Practically – the president had all the power
2.3 Issues for Zia and Downfall
- Smuggling, Drug Abuse and illegal drugs became common
- Corruption increased
Provincial aims changed
- Punjab supported Zia
- Sindh had much violence and problems
- Sindh wanted to become separate
- NEFP was getting less supportive of Zia
- Especially due to hige Afghan refugees
- Balochistan had issues with the government due to the uprisings that ended in 1977 and had left strong issues
- Afghan crisis was ending
- American support to Mujahideen reduced
- Pakistan had to withdraw support too
2.4 Junejo Called all party conference in March 1988
Discuss Afghan situation
- Actually wanted to show that NA had some real power
- Army was really unhappy on this
10 April 1988
- Ojhri Camp issue
- The camp blew with military equipment etc
- Hundreds of civilians lost life
- Junejo announced enquiry and resulting action against those responsible
- Even if army commanders
- Zia could not accept this
Juengo dismissed on 29 May 1988
- Assembly dissolved
- According to constitution elections to be held within 90 days
- He again used the allegation of corruption against Juenjo
2.5 17 August 1988
- Zia flew from South Punjab
- Army base
- Along with American ambassador to Pakistan
- And other military officials
- Plane blew mid flight
- Ghulam ishaq Khan became president
October 1988 elections held
- Benazir Bhutto got majority
- PPP got majority
- First female prime minister of a muslim country and Pakistan