How far did the Pakistan Movement develop during the early 20th century?
1.1 The Start of the Congress
- Allan Octavian Hume started the Indian National Union – Lord Dufferin, the Viceroy, supported it.
- First conference held on 28 December, 1883 in Bombay – second conference at same time in Culcutta
- Called itself the Congress (Indian National Congress)
- Pledged loyalty to the Queen and British empire
- Asked for ONLY governmental changes in how governments were formed
- Had 436 members by 1886
- Main objectives in 1886
- Education of Indians and British public about Indian welfare etc – using newspapers etc.
- More fair policies – such as more representation for Indians in the ICS.
- Resulted in Indian Councils Act 1892
- Increased Indian representation in the councils
- Little real power
- British ignored them
- Lord Curzon believed Congress was bound to fail
- Mixed views about British
- Some trusted them that they were fair
- Others considered radical actions were needed to support nationalism
- Radial Actions Included
- Tilak’s speeches instigated Indians for freedom
- Secret societies developed against the British in the 1870s
- 2 Britishers were assassinated in 1897
1.2 Partition of Bengal
- Bengal was largest province
- West Bengal was Hindu Majority
- East Bengal was Muslim Majority
- Difficult to govern as a single unit
- 1903 – Lord Curzon proposed division of Bengal
- Eastern Provinces – Assam, Dhakka, Chittagong, Mymensingh – East Bengal
- 1905 – divided as per suggestion
- Muslims were happy
- A new Muslim majority province
- Not only political superiority but also safety from Hindu oppressors
- Hindus considered it “divide and rule” technique of the British
- Congress became primarily Hindu dominated
- Hindu threat was reduced due to the partition
- Called 16 October 1905 as day of mourning – the day partition was imposed
- Protest meetings help
- Lard Minto tried to be assassinated
- Boycotted British goods
- Preferred Indian Goods
- Called Swadeshi Movement
- British cloth burnt
- Workers in Culcutta began strikes
- British tried to control the situation by
- Banning newspapers
- Press Act 1908 – Firm control over papers
- June 1908
- Tilak arrested
- Sentenced to 6 years prison
- Some Indian leaders fled
- Others were deported – without any charge or trial
1.3 Simla Deputation
- Indian reaction to partition of Bengal
- They could not match it
- Indian National Congress was Hindu dominated and represented them mostly
- Threat of forced conversion to Hinduism
- Hindus were likely to dominate the political scenario due to their majority
- October 8, 1906
- Aga Khan led deputation to Viceroy
- Demanded separate electorates and representation
- Muslims should have more seats than their percentage in population
- Many Muslims were major land owners
- Had a high percentage in the army
- Non-separate electorates can result in communal violence between Hindus and Muslims
- Morley was against separate electorates
- Lord Minto accepted
- Importance
- Sir Syed’s work proved successful in improving British – Muslim ties
- Muslims came face to face in rivalry with Hindus and Politics
- Idea of being a separate group of people began to grow.
1.4 All India Muslim League
- Hindus had become way too dominant in Congress
- Muslim representation was needed by a proper organization
- British were not behind Muslim League as a counter to Congress, Muslims set them up themselves
- After the 20the Session of Muhammaden Educational Conference in Dhakka in 1906, Nawab Viqar ul Mulk proposed the formation of All India Muslim League.
- Its aims were
- Protect and foster Muslim rights in India
- Represent Muslims
- Create Loyalty to British
- Remove Muslim fears regarding British intentions
- Prevent communal violence and hostility.
1.5 Morley – Minto Reforms
- 1909 – Also called the Indian Councils Act 1909
- Non official members added to Imperial Council – making the total number 60
- Real power with British with most members official
- Central Executive Council got 60 new members
- Discuss and advice government on policies like budget
- 50 Members in larger provinces and 30 in smaller provinces in the Provincial Councils
- Separate Electorate for Muslims
- Positives
- Separate electorates accepted
- More Indians in the councils
- Negatives
- Advisory powers only
- No intention to set up parliament
- Congress considered British making stability possible by concessions – they requested self government
1.6 Reversal of Partition of Bengal
- Lord Harding
- 1911
- Announcement made by King George V who was visiting India in Delhi
- British had been forced by Hindus
- Muslims lost faith in British
- British support of Balkan states against Turkey in 1912-1913 angered Muslims more
- Muslim League too became in favor of self government suitable for India.
1.7 First World War
- 1 Million Indians Joined the British army
- Indian considered this support as a way to get self determination in government
- Mutiny Party set in 1913 by Lala Hardayal
- Fought Indian Police in September 1915 and were killed.
- Uprising in Punjab in 1915
- Mutiny by Indian troops in Singapore
- Silk Letter Conspiracy
- Anti British uprising by Muslims
- British passed Defence of India Act – exiling and imprisoning revolutionaries without trial.
1.8 Lucknow Pact
- Main efforts of Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- Congress and Muslim League both met in Bombay in 1915
- Joint Councils were created
- October 1916
- British announced intentions to make half of executive council members elected, while majority of Legislative Council elected
- Jinnah and Mahajan’s efforts
- 1916
- Both had annual sessions in Lucknow
- Lucknow Pact
- Muslims can have separate electorates at both provincial and imperial council level
- Even in Punjab and Bengal
- Muslims should have 1/3 seats
- Any act regarding a community can be passed with at least 3/4 of that community’s members agreeing to it
- Common Demands
- Elected seats should be increased
- Majority passed motions in Councils MUST be implemented by British
- Minorities must be protected
- Provincial Autonomy
- Joint demand by Hindus and Muslims
- Hindus agreeing some partition
- Together , there is a better chance to get demands accepted
- Self Rule seemed more possible
- Increased Hindu Muslim Unity
- Muslims can have separate electorates at both provincial and imperial council level
1.9 The Montague Chelmsford Reforms
- November 1917
- Lord Chelmsford and Lord Montague toured India
- Gave Montford Report or the Government of India Act 1919 in July 1919
- Legislative Assembly have 103 elected members for 3 years
- Muslims and Sikhs had separate electorate
- Council of States would have 33 elected members
- Council of Princes with 108 members
- No real Power
- Considered talking shop
- Viceroy can pass any law he considered necessary for safety of India
- Diarchy – division of power – was introduced in provinces
- Reserved subjects – crucial areas of power like justice and revenue etc. were kept under control of British.
- The transferred subjects – relatively of low importance and value – were given to Indians. Although councils were mostly elected, the ministers were chosen by Viceory
- Viceroy can discuss the Provincial Legislative Councils at any time
- Only 5.5 million people or 2 percent of India’s population could vote.
- Not well received by Indians
- Congress rejected the act – those who supported were forced to leave the party
- Separate electorates with accepted
- Divisions in Indian society were exposed.
2.0 Rowlatt Act
- December 1917
- Committee set up
- Headed by Justice Rowlatt
- Consider Revolutionary activity
- Report Presented April 1918
- Revolutionary activity in India was growing
- Defense of India Act provisions to be maintained permanently
- Arrest without warrant
- Detention without the right to bail
- Dictating people where to live
- Against fundamental human rights
- Trial by Jury
- Safety from being illegally imprisoned
- Jinnah resigned from Imperial Council
- Gandhi started a hartal
- April 1919, the act was
2.1 Amritsar Massacre
- 10 April 1919
- Government had banned public meetings
- 2 Banks attacked
- 5 Europeans were killed
- 20000 people gathered in Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar
- General Dyer closed the entrance and allowed open fire on the Indians
- 400 killed, more than 1200 wounded.
- Men flogged and forced to crawl on hands in Amritsar.
- Crowd meeting illegally in Gujranwala was bombarded from air
- The Hunter committee was set up to investigate Dyer’s actions
- Was removed fro service
- No Strict action taken
- Considered a hero
- This was an insult to Indians
2.2 More Information
- March 1920
- Non Cooperation at its peak
- Teachers and student left British Colleges
- British goods boycotted
- lawyers gave up practice
- Elections in 1920 were ignored
- 30000 politicians taken prisoner
- Arya Samag worked against Indians
- Congress got divided with different aims
- New Liberals contested elections while Congress boycotted them
- 1923 Congress contested elections under the name Swaraj party and won many seats
- Congress rejected the idea of full provincial autonomy
- Muslims were forced to convert to Hinduism
- 1927
- Delhi proposals
- 1/3 seats for Muslims in the Central Legislative Assembly
- Sindh becoming full province
- British reforms implemented in Balochistan and NWFP
- Muslims given seats proportional to population in Punjab and Bengal
- If these accepted – separate electorates will no longer be demanded.
Lesson Tags
Congress | Amritsar Massacre | Morley Minto Reforms | Mongtague Chelmsford Reforms | Partition of Bengal | Complete and Detailed Notes For Revision | O Level Pakistan Studies 2059/01 and IGCSE Pakistan Studies 0448/01 | The History and Culture of Pakistan
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