How important has Pakistan’s role been in world affairs since 1947?
1.1 International relations
- Why did Pakistan chose west
- Cold war going on – making a choice was necessary to survive
- Economic and Military support needed for the new country
- Selected siding with US
- Most powerful country in the world
- Private economy was supported by US – which Pakistan aimed at too
- Islam was anti communism
1.2 Pakistan and India
- Problems even before partition
- Major component of foreign policy was relations with India
- Refugee problem
- Large scale cross border movement in 1947
- April 1950
- Nehru-Liaquat pact/ Minorities pact
- Protection for minorities in each country
- Did not help much because government orders can not change people’s inner feelings
- Not same opportunities shall be given
- Resources
- Pakistan did not get fair share of resources
- 1 April 19 – India cut Pakistan’s water supplies
- Access to water has remained a serious problem
- Indus Water Treaty – not a permanent solution
- Kashmir Issue
- 4 million Kashmiris were Muslim and Pakista considered it to be rightfully its part
- 1949
- Ceasefire line of control
- 1954 and 1955
- India tried to integrate its occupied Kashmir to India
- Protest by Pakistan and UN
- 1957
- UNSC issues a declaration
- Re-affirming that Kashmir is disputed territory
- UNSC issues a declaration
War 1965
- India did not like US aid to Pakistan
- India signed friendship pact with Chine in 1954
- India China war in 1962
- China’s easy victory convinced Pakistani army that it can also defeat India
- 1965 War
- Independent tribunal for Rann of Kutch in Rajasthan
- PAK forced India to agree to independent tribunal in Kashmir too
- August 1965 – Armed guerrillas into IOK – locals did not support much
- 1 September 1965
- Pak army attacked Indian controlled Kashmir
- 6 September – Indians attacked Lahore in a surprise
- Second attack in sialkot
- 3 weeks of war
- 4-10 January 1966
- Soviet Union arranged ceasefire conference n Tashkent
- Uzbekistan
- India was super determined
- US and Britain had placed embargoes on Pakistan
- China gave diplomatic support
- 1971 war
- Indian army stronger than Pakistan
- Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Commerce with Russia – August 1971
- Helped in breaking East Pakistan
- 1972
- Simla Agreement
- Kashmir to be discussed directly
- 90000 prisoners returned
- After 1971
- 1977
- Zia improved focus shifted to Afghanistan
- 1980s
- India accused Pakistan of supporting Sikh uprising
- October 1984
- Indira Gandhi assassinated by Sikhs
- Rajiv Gandhi took over
- Zia declared national mourning day for death of Indira Gandhi
- 1987
- Again war possible
- January – Indian army in rajasthan desert
- Zia went to India apparently to watch a cricket match
- Solved the crisis
- Indira Gandhi assassinated by Sikhs
- 1977
- Nuclear Issue
- January 1972
- Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP) opened
- 1970- Pakistan did not sign the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty
- 1974 India carried out nuclear tests
- Engineering and Research Laboratories in Kahutta
- Made bomb by 1985
- Announcement not made until 1998
- 1987 – AQ khan first admitted to having Nuclear Bombs – but later denied
- The announcement was postponed to ensure that US aid is not stopped
- May 1998 India tested nuclear devices
- Ras Koh Hills – Pakistan also tested Nuclear Weapons
- UN Secretary General was concerned and asked India and Pakistan to sign Comprehensive Test Treaty Ban.
- Both refused
- In late 1998 – both countries stopped nuclear testing
- Siachen Glacier
- Border issue
- 1981
- 300 Indian troops surprisingly camped there
- 500 million USD a year spent to prevent the occupation of this place
- Almost 5000 soldiers have died here
- Kargil
- April 1999
- Kargil and Daras captured by Pakistan
- Pakistan government denied involvement
- May – India counter attacked
- 2 Indian air crafts shot down
- Soon after Lahore declaration – 2 nuclear countries on verge of war
- June 1999 – Pakistan pushed back
- Clinton persuaded Sharif to withdraw forces
- 4-6 thousand Pakistani soldiers killed
1.3 Soviet Union
- Liaquat Ali Khan invited to Moscow
- USA invited Liaquat Ali Khan to Washington
- Liaquat chose USA
- 1950 – SU backed India over Kashmir
- SEATO and CENTO – Soviets were enraged
- Warned Pakistan of American Imperialism
- 1955
- Officially backed India in Kashmir Issue
- Gave India economic and technical support
- 1955- Soviet Union backed afghan claim of Pakhtoonistan
- 1956 offered to build steel mill in Pakistan
- If broken alliance with USA
- Pak refused
- May 1960 – U2 incident
- 1961
- Showed goodwill by exploring oil in Pakistan
- Supported Pakistan more when China also backed Pakistan in 1963
- Gave loans
- Neutral over Kashmir
- April 1965
- Ayub officially visited SU
- Agreements for oil and trade
- Jan 1966
- Tashkent conference
- 1968
- American base closes in Peshawar
- SU starts providing arms to Pakistan
- 1971 – US-China meetings by Pak angered SU
- Signed treaty of Peace, Friendship and Commerce with India
- Ensured support in case of war with Pakistan
- 1972 – Bhutto began to build good relations
- Steel mill building agreed
- Soviet Afghan war relations worsened
- Nuclear program – soviets started bombing Pakistan
- 1988 – soviets withdrew from Afghanistan
1.4 Pakistan and China
- October 1949
- India accepted the new government
- Supported it for Chinese seat in UN
- January 1950 – Pakistan recognized the communist regime
- Friendship unlikely
- 1962 China and India went to war
- USA supported India so PAK CHINA got close
- March 1962 – they started talks on their border issues
- In one year – these completed successfully
- China made concession to Pakistan
- 60 Million $ interest free loan to Pakistan
- Biggest purchaser of Pakistani Cotton
- August 1963 – PIA started flights to China
- 1964 Hina supported Pakistan in Kashmir – Pakistan supported China in UN
- US was supporting Taiwan
- 1965 war – China gave military support to Pakistan
- Domestic pressure on India too
- Could not do much in 1971 war
- Feb 1972 – Bhutto visited china and previous loans became grants
- Also agree to give aircrafts and tanks
- 1978 Karakoram Highway – being built since 1966
- Built on the Old Silk Road Route
- 1986 – Zia visited China
- Pak China signed Nuclear Cooperation treaty
1.5 Pakistan and Britain
- Quaid chose to be the first Governor General of Pakistan
- Britain left border issues
- Helped Jinnah with military and civil service personnel
- Friendly relations appreciated with Britain
- Pakistan remained on practically good terms with Britain
- Pakistan remained member of common wealth with dominion status
- 1956 – became republic
- Still member of common wealth
- Colombo Plan 1950
- 1 Million aid for Sui gas project
- Canada gave 40 Million Dollars for railways
- Not much political support given especially in Kashmir affair
- Common wealth against military rule
- Pakistan criticized British invasion of Suez canal in 1956
- Final agreement of 1965 war done at commonwealth conference in London in June 1965
- Neutral in Bangladesh crisis
- Did not vote in UN for or against Bangladesh
- Recognized Bangladesh in 2 February 1971
- Pakistan left commonwealth
- In afghan crisis Britain supported Pakistan
- Gave 30 million pounds aid for refugees on border
- Gave 16 million pounds for Balochistan and NWFP
- 376 million pounds trade between Britain and Pakistan in 1986
- Pak returned to commonwealth in 1989
1.6 Pakistan and Bangladesh
- Pakistan considered Bangladesh a rebel nation
- Asset reallocation issues in early years of BAN
- Migration problem
- 1974
- Mujib was invited to OIC meeting in Lahore
- Pakistan recognized Bangladesh officially
- Agreed on friendship
- June 1974
- Bhutto visited Bangladesh
- Bangladesh asked for over half of pakistan’s assets in 1971
- They also asked for non bengalis to leave bangladesh
- Bhutto disagreed
- 1975 Mujib died
- Khondekar Mushtaq
- Believed in better relations
- Trade increased to 40 million dollars by 1986
- 1985 and 1988 Bangladesh faced severe weather issues
- Pakistan was the first to help
1.7 Pakistan and Afghanistan
- Border issues at independence
- Border areas voted to stay with Pakistan
- 1948 – Pakhtoonistan claim
- Jinnah ordered British military posts on Afghan border to be taken down
- Only state to vote against Pakistan joining UN on 30 September 1947
- Talks in Karachi in 1947
- Pakhtoonistan and sea access demanded
- Pakistan agreed to sea access if Pakhtoonistan dropped
- Afghanistan signed trade and transit agreement with Soviet Union
- March 1955 Pakistan embassy in Kabul ransacked
- Borders closed
- 1956 Iskander Mirza visited Afghanistan
- Afghanistan still showed opposition
- RCD rejected by Afghanistan because Pakistan was in
- Stayed Neutral in 1965 war
- Bhutto focused on Islamic foreign policy
- 1973 Sardar Daud came to power
- Gave Afghanistan access to India through Pakistan
- Contributed heavily to earthquake relief activities in Afghanistan in 1976
- 1976 Daud and Bhutto visited countries of each other many times
- Zia continued friendly relations
- October 1977 he visited Afghanistan
- 1978 March – Daud came to Pakistan
- December 1979 – Pakistan supported US against Barbarak Kamal
- 3 Million refugees in Pakistan in one year
- Helped Mujahideen
- 14 April 1988 soviets withdrew from Afghanistan
- Civil war in Afghanistan
- Refugees still came – aid not coming
- Klashinokocv issue
- Islamabad Accord – Nawaz Sharif organized – signed by 6 separate factions of Afghanistan to make certain who is in control
- Did not work out due to lack of central coordination
- Shahkot etc. became copying towns of Russian automatic weapons
- Benazir Bhutto decided to support Taliban
- Stability required so Pakistan can trade with CAS
- Taliban took power in Afghanistan
- 2007 Benazir Bhutto accepted that Supporting Taliban was a serious mistake
1.8 Pakistan and Iran
- Turkey and Iraq Baghdad Pact February 1955
- Soviet Influence stoppage in Middle East
- UK joined in April
- Pakistan in September
- Iran in November
- Become CENTO
- 1979 – dissolved
- 21 July 1964 RCD
- Pakistan
- Turkey
- Iran
- Industrial growth etc
- Lapsed in 1979
- Restarted in 1985 by Zia
- Afghanistan did not join
- Iran tried to persuade, with Turkey, other countries to help Pakistan in 1965 war
- Helped put end to Balochistan uprising in 1973
- Revolution in 1965
- Pakistan recognized the new government
- Iran was suspicious of Pakistan
- Iran was not anti American – Pakistan was taking aid from America
- 1980 Iran Iraq war
1.9 Pakistan and Muslim States
- Political disunity in Muslim world
- Egypt unhappy on lack of support from Pakistan in Suez issue 1956
- Baghdad pact not liked by Arabia and Egypt
- OIC member since start in 1969
- 1971 – Karachi held meetings
- February – Islamic Summit in Lahore
- Bhutto toured Islamic countries in 1971
- 1973 Arab Israeli war
- Islamic Summit 22-24 September 1974 in Pakistan
- Aid offered too
- Iran gave loans of 730 million dollars and UAE gave 100 million pounds while Libya gave 80 million dollars
- Gulf States
- Investments in Pakistan
- Remittances from Middle East
- Pakistan gave military support – 50000 personnel working in other countries in 1970s
- 1990-1 Coalition member for Kuwait and Iraq war ending
- Turkey
- Khilafat Movement 1918
- Baghdad Pact
- Turkey supported Pakistan in wars with India
- Could not gain aid for Pakistan
2.0 Pakistan and United Nations
- Joined on 30 September 1947
- Participated in debates
- Contributed troops to peacekeeping missions
- Spoke against occupation of Holland
- Supported freedom of Morocco and Algiers
- Taken Palestinian issue to UN
- Gotten support from World Bank and World Food Programme
- Issues
- Lack of proper management of Kashmir issue
- 1965 war
- UN intervened to end it
- Was unfair in 1971 pak Bangladesh issue
- UN recognized Bangladesh quickly
- UN helped Pakistan in Canal water dispute
- Indus water treaty September 1959 helped by world bank
- Finance to get hydroelectric power and soil reclamation
Lesson Tags
International Relations | Pakistan and US | Pakistan and Russia | Pakistan and India | Other Relations | Complete and Detailed Notes For Revision | O Level Pakistan Studies 2059/01 and IGCSE Pakistan Studies 0448/01 | The History and Culture of Pakistan
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