How important were the contributions of Jinnah, Allama Iqbal and Rahmat Ali to the success of the Pakistan Movement to 1947
1.1 Mohammad Ali Jinnah
- He was born on 25th December , 1876 in Karachi
- He had the background of a Gujrati Khoja family
- He played a main part in bringing about an agreement with the British
- He played an integral role in the creation of Pakistan and the Pakistan Movement
- He was the first Governor general of Pakistan
- He was a very capable scholar and at the age of 15 went to London to study law
What he believed?
- After he returned to Karachi in 1897 , he became a strong supporter of the Hindu-Muslim unity. He strongly believed that :
- The two groups should cooperate with one another therefore he joined both the Muslim league and the Indian national congress.
- That the two parties should negotiate to bring about an agreement this is the reason why he signed the Lucknow pact in 1916.
- In order to bring about independence the Hindu and Muslim communities should cooperate
- He was such a strong supporter of the Hindu Muslim unity in the starting years that he disapproved of the radical Hindu approach that Gandhi started in the congress so he left the congress party in 1921. He said that this approach would :
- Divide the communities
- Destroy the healthy relationship that had been built between the two.
- He also strongly opposed the civil disobedience campaign (Khilafat Movement which Gandhi supported )
His work
- Jinnah said that the Nehru report asked the Muslims to make unacceptable sacrifices therefore he rejected the Nehru report.
- He described the Nehru report as ‘The parting of the ways’ in answer to it he gave his 14 points that were issued in 1929. These 14 points called for :
- Federal government in India
- Separate Electorates for the Muslims
- 1/3rd of the seats to be reserved for Muslims in any Central Assembly
- The 14 points made the future discussions possible and also made a ground for the Muslims.
- In 1930 he represented the Muslims in the Round table conferences in London.
- After the defeat of the Muslims in the 1937 elections he reorganized the party from grass roots as a result by 1938 the party had grown tremendously and was well structured for the 1945 election.
- He also supported the Lahore resolution.
- By 1939 he was a undisputed leader of the Muslim community.
- Muhammad Ali Jinnah played a crucial role in establishing the new country.
- He made sure that Pakistan not only came into existence but prospered despite of all the efforts that the Indian Politicians made to make its survival difficult.
His role as a leader
- As he held the post of a Governor general he had little authority or very few duties to perform ( Ceremonial Position )
- The Quaid -e- Azam then took the role of a Chief Executive in the newly formed state and held cabinet meetings and also played a role as the president of the Constituent assembly.
His role in building the nation
- He worked towards establishing unity among the people in the state.
- In order to create a nation he stressed that it was important for the people to work together and even out the differences among them such as the differences among the people of east and west Pakistan or the differences among the people of Punjab , Bengal etc.
- He practiced religious intolerance in the new state as there were millions of non-Muslims living in the Muslim territory.
- He told the the Muslims to practice equality and justice towards the non Muslims and if they wanted to live in the Muslim area they must be allowed to live there peacefully.
- He set up the Relief fund to settle the refugees.
- He helped the country gain recognition by securing its membership in the UNO in September 1947.
His role in building the government
- He set up an administration that made decisions regarding the problems. This administration :
- Appointed Liaquat Ali khan as the prime minister .
- Karachi became the capital of Pakistan.
- In order to make the administration matters easier a civil service was formed and rules were written.
- He made sure that the government officials had the right attitude to work. He ensured that they worked with national spirit ( considered themselves as the servants of the people not the rulers )
Building an economy
- He established the state bank of Pakistan on 1st July 1948 to support and develop the economy.
- The need for the building of industries was made clear in his Industrial Policy Statement in 1948.
- He made an agreement with India over the Canal water dispute which was a threat to Pakistan’s agriculture if remained unsolved.
Establishing National Security
- As Pakistan have poor military equipment the Quaid worked to ensure that the country defended itself properly. He did so by :
- Offering temporary commissions and using British officers
- He gave the army confidence despite of it being ill equipped it performed well in the Kashmir dispute.
- Quaid died on 11th September 1948.
- By the time of his death the new government had been formed and everything including the administration was in place.
1.2 Allama Mohammad Iqbal
- Allama Iqbal was born in Sialkot in Northern Punjab in 1877
- Before studying Philosophy at Cambridge University and practicing law he gained a masters degree from government college Lahore.
- He was also a poet and took inspiration from the holy Quran.
His work
- His work on poetry made the British realize him in 1922
- The purpose of his poetry was to awaken the Muslims to work together towards the nation and improve their position in the society
- He earned the title of ‘The Philosopher Poet ‘ as a result of his love for philosophy and the many book on poetry that he wrote.
- He also played the role of a politician and urged the Muslims to struggle for the establishment of the new country.
- His poetry made it clear that he was totally against the British rule in India and urged the Muslims for a separate homeland via his poetry.
- In 1926 Allama Iqbal was elected in the Punjab Assembly and started handling new laws very well.
- In 1920 after the failure of the RTCs he believed that the only solution was partition.
- He also believed that in order to ensure partition it was important to make the Muslim League a powerful party in the subcontinent.
- He held the All India Muslim League meeting in Allahabad in this meeting he made the address asking for a separate Muslim homeland.
- He was known as ‘The architect of Pakistan’ as he paved the way for a separate homeland.
- His poetry created a sense of Patriotism in the Muslims.
- He was the first National poet of Pakistan
- His Allahabad address gave Muslims the political autonomy for the first time.
- He died in 1938 and was buried outside the Badshahi mosque.
- Although he didn’t live to see Pakistan but his poetry set an example for the Muslims and the politicians as it proved to be a great guide
1.3 Rahmat Ali
- He was born in 1897 in Punjab
- He went to Islamia College in Lahore.
- He completed his degree in 1918 and then practiced law
- He received his masters degree from Cambridge University
- During the RTCs he persuaded the Muslim leaders to demand for a separate homeland.
- In 1933 he along with his 3 other companion wrote a pamphlet called ‘No or never’ to the 30 million Muslims of the west.
- The pamphlet had a very great influence as it was the first direct call for a separate homeland.
- He provided the name for the separate homeland ‘Pakistan’
- In 1933 he formed the Pakistan national Movement to campaign for the idea of a separate homeland
- He published a piece of work entitled ‘Pakistan the fatherland of the Pak nation ‘ which included all the writings regarding the subject of a separate homeland for Muslims.
- He was the first one to give an idea of a separate Homeland.
- He provided us with the name of Pakistan.
- His pamphlet ‘ Now or Never ‘ had a very strong influence on other politicians.
- He died in Cambridge in 1951 and was buried in the local cemetery.
- He is still remembered as the person who named Pakistan.
Lesson Tags
Mohammad Ali Jinnah | Allama Iqbal | Chaudhry Rahmat Ali | Important Leaders | Pakistan | Complete and Detailed Notes For Revision | O Level Pakistan Studies 2059/01 and IGCSE Pakistan Studies 0448/01 | The History and Culture of Pakistan
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