How successful was the establishment of an independent nation between 1947 and 1948?
1.1 Geographical Problems
- Pakistan divided in East and West Pakistan with more than 1000 miles of Indian territory in between
- Differences in almost everything
1.2 Political Problems
- India had infrastructure
- Indian had officials from Congress who had the experience to take political offices
- Pakistan’s politicians were mostly inexperienced land owners
- Distance between East and West Pakistan made management difficult
- Most population in East Pakistan – Most officials from West Pakistan
- Quaid had tuberculosis
- He worked hard to ensure Pakistan survived
1.3 Economic Problems
- Pakistan was made up of poor and less developed areas
- Karachi was a major city
- Much of Pakistan had not benefited from industrialization
- Only 8 big towns
- Primarily agrarian country
- Jute was a major export produced in East Pakistan
- Not even a single Jute Mill in East Pakistan in 1947
- Got a very small share of India’s wealth
1.4 Social Problems
- Not one single nation
- Divided in 5 distinct communities
- Different cultures and lifestyles
- Language was a major issue
- Bengal and Balochistan had doubts on accepting Pakistan over the language issue
1.5 Princely State Issue
- 462 Princely states to choose between India and Pakistan
- Most did according to region and religion
- Northern states joined Pakistan
- Gilgit and Kalat also joined Pakistan – but army help needed
- Bahawalpur joined Pakistan
- Sylhet joined Pakistan
· Hyderabad
- Largest princely state
- Extreme;y wealthy
- Nizam wanted dominion status
- Nizam was Muslim – so decided Pakistan
- India pressurized the Nizam
- Entered treaty of defence with India
- August 1948 – Hyderabad filed with UNO
- India occupied
· Junagadh
- Coastal state
- 300 miles away from Karachi
- Prince decided to join Pakistan
- Junagadh blockaded
- November 1947 Indians occupied it
- Issue pending in UNO
· Kashmir
- Jammu and Kashmir – largest state
- Had important borders
- Muslim majority – Raja Hindu – Hari Singh
- Wanted to get independence
- Started driving Muslims out in September 1947
- Muslims rebelled
- India supported Raja in return for joining India
- Pakistan supported Muslims
- January 1948 – UNO involved
- Ceasefire agreed and Kashmir divided between India and Pakistan
- India got most of it
- Including Srinagar
- Referendum to be held once issue normalizes
- Never held by Indians
- Still an issue
1.6 Asset Division Issue
- Assets divided between India and Pakistan at the ratio of 17 to 5
- Pakistan was to be paid 750 Million of 4 Billion Total money in Indian reserve bank
- 200 Million paid
- Fighting started in Kashmir
- No more payment until Gandhi threatened hunger strike
- Paid 500 million more
- Armed forces divided between India and Pakistan at 36 % to Pakistan and 64 Percent to India
- Muslim regiments went to Pakistan
- Pakistani army had lack of trained officers
- Forced to take British officers
- No ordinance factory in Pakistan
- Indian paid 60 million
- Pakistan established an ordinance factory at Wah
- Military supplies were old and worn out
- Seriously under equipped army
1.7 Canal Water Dispute
- Canal irrigation required for agriculture to survive in West Pakistan
- Headworks were in the new India
- Bari Doab canal issue
- International Court of Justice help asked
- May 1948 – temporary solution
- Water flow restarted by India
- Pakistan told to find alternate supplies soon
1.8 Refugee Crisis
- Huge rioting in Summer 1947
- Millions of people moved to either side to live in the right country
- 10 million people moved between India and Pakistan by January 1948
- Most leaving all their possessions behind
- Local authorities at times sponsored violence
- Large massacres
- Even troops attacking Muslims
- Violence also by Muslims
- 1 million at least died
- 20 million almost left homeless
- September 1947 – Martial Law declared in Delhi to stop massacre of Muslims
- Although India and Pakistan started to cooperate to solve the refugee issue – the issue still remained
Lesson Tags
Geographical Problems | Political Problems | Economic Problems | Social Problems | Princely State Issue | Complete and Detailed Notes For Revision | O Level Pakistan Studies 2059/01 and IGCSE Pakistan Studies 0448/01 | The History and Culture of Pakistan
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