How successful was the Khilafat Movement in advancing the cause of the Pakistan Movement?
1.1 Reasons For The Khilafat Movement
· Long Term Reason
- Britain and Russia had a rivalry over Afghanistan and Persia (Muslim Countries)
- Little attention was given to what locals want
- British made Muslims afraid of Hindu
- To win cooperation
- Muslims dd not want to fight fellow Muslims in Turkey
- Desertions from army
- Maulana Fazl Ul Haq in 1918
- Said that any Muslim power losing anywhere in the world will affect Muslim prestige in India
· World War I
- British knew Muslims did not want to fight against Turkey
- Promised that Khalifa shall be respected
- Turkish Empire shall be maintained
- Imprisoned leading Muslims in India
- Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
- Maulana Shaukat Ali
- Treaty of Versailles almost destroyed Germany
- Lands Taken
- Army reduced
- Divided in two countries – Germany and Poland
- Loyd George
- British Prime Minister
- Wanted same fate for Turkey
· The Office of The Khalifa
- The Sultan of Turkey was considered Khalifa
- Leader of Islamic Community
- Had control of Mecca, Madina and Jerusalem
- Extremely important to Muslims
1.2 First Khilafat Conference
- November 1919
- Delhi
- Maulana brothers were main members
- Maulana Abul Kalam Azad from Congress also present
- Send delegation to English to maintain the Turkish Empire
- Gandhi also present
- Leader of Congress
- Idea of common opposition to the British
- Policy of Non Cooperation was adopted
- Satyagraha adopted
- Jinnah believed India was not yet ready of self rule
1.3 Second Khilafat Conference
- Amritsar 1919
- League, Congress and Khilafat Movement to work together
- Gandhi take the lead role to convince British
- Maulana Abul Kalam just returned from Britain
- British were not convinced
- Lloyd George said Turkey would get terrible justice like others.
1.4 Non-Cooperation
- January 1920
- Viceroy asked to treat Turkey fairly
- February 1920
- Delegation sent to England
- Treaty of Sevres
- Empire split up
- Arabia made Independent
- Turkey’s possessions split up in Britain and France
- Greece also got part of it
- Turkey only had Istanbul and a little area around it in Europe now.
- 22 June 1920
- Viceroy sent message
- If treaty applied, then non cooperation shall began on 1 August
- Great Enthusiasm by both Hindus and Muslims
- Resigning from local bodies
- Children taken back from government schools
- British goods and courts boycotted
- Refused to join the army
- Refused to contest elections
1.5 Development
- Protest against British
- Great support across country
- British princes were met with strikes and demonstrations
- Prince of Wales came to Bombay in 1921
- 53 people killed in rioting
- British threw more 30000 political prisoners in Indian jails to control the situation
- Communal ism set aside
- Protect and Spread Islam
- Western dresses and hair styles left
- India became dar ul harb
- Migration
- 1920 August
- 18000 Muslims
- Hijrat (religious migration) to Afghanistan
- Sold everything in India
- Afghan government did not welcome them and they were turned back
- They came back to even greater poverty as they had no homes or land now
- Lost enthusiasm for the Khilafat Movement
- 1920 August
1.6 Decline and Failure of the Khilafat Movement
- 8 July 1921
- Last conference in Bombay
- Khilafat leaders arrested
- Due to their sedition – Ali Brothers arrested
- August 1921
- Moplah rebellion against Hindu land lords and British
- South India
- 4000/10000 Moplahs killed
- February 1922
- Chauri Chaura
- Gorakhpur District Village
- 21 Policemen killed
- For firing on a political rally
- Gandhi called off civil disobedience
- Arrested
- Imprisoned for 6 years
- 1922
- Sultan lost political power in Turkey
- 1924
- Mustafa Kamal Pasha Attaturk abolished the Khilafat
- Khalifa exiled
- Khilafat Movement ended because Turks themselves ended the Khilafat
1.7 Reasons for Failure
- More concerned about Khalifa than Turks themselves
- Wrong ideology
- Hijrat to Afghanistan proves it
- Hindu idea of self rule and Muslim idea of saving the Khalifa were two different approaches
- Jinnah said it was bound to fail
- Gandhi said that he demanded safety of cow in return for his support of the Khilafat Movement
- Serious anti-British feeling
- Civil disobedience was a failure
1.8 Impact of Khilafat Movement
- Sowed seeds for Independence movement
- Muslims realize that joining together gave them political power
- They can demand their rights
- Muslims lost jobs, gave up education etc
- Hijrat failure to Afghanistan created economic issues for those involved.
- Issues between Hindu and Muslims such as communal rioting
- Two Nation Theory focused even more.
- Muslims needed their independent state
- Living with Hindus was not an option.
Lesson Tags
Khilafat Movement | Khilafat Conference | Maulana Muhammad Ali Gohar | Maulana Shaukat Ali | Treaty of Lossaine | Complete and Detailed Notes For Revision | O Level Pakistan Studies 2059/01 and IGCSE Pakistan Studies 0448/01 | The History and Culture of Pakistan
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