How successful were attempts to find solutions to the problems facing the subcontinent in the years 1940 to 1947?
2.1 Development of The Muslim league
- Congress rejected the idea of coalition with Muslim League
- October 1937 – focus on grass roots development
- Chief ministers of Bengal, Assam and Punjab joined the League
- Mid 1938 – Membership increased
- Nehru-Jinnah talks
- Nehru refused the idea that League was the sole representative of Muslims
2.2 The Pakistan Resolution
- Congress Rule had convinced Muslims they needed their own homeland
- British were soon to leave India
- 22 March 1940
- Maulvi Fazl Ul Haq
- Premier of Bengal
- Regions where Muslims were numerically a majority to be grouped in autonomous status
- Passed on 23 March
- Also called Lahore resolution
2.3 Cripps Mission
- March 1942
- Sir Stafford Cripps
- Senior Cabinet Member
- Indian Union with dominion status
- Provinces can opt out too
- Constituent Assembly making a new constitution after the war
- Elections immediately after the war ends
- Rejected by league
- No reference to Pakistan
- Opting out of Union was a good idea
- Congress rejected as they wanted immediate control
2.4 Quit India Resolution
- May 1942
- Allahabad
- Gandhi argued that Japanese threatened India because British were here
- 8 August 1942
- Quit India Resolution passed
- All India Congress Committee
- Non-violent protests
- Gandhi Nehru and other Congressmen arrested within 2 days
- Rioting continued
- Thousands of lives were lost in extreme British measures to maintain peace
- Muslim League rejected it as Congress was just blackmailing the British
2.5 Gandhi Jinnah Talks
- Gandhi released from prison May 1944
- September 1944
- Gandhi and Jinnah met at Jinnah’s House, Bombay
- Failed
- Jinnah wanted Pakistan to be confirmed before British left. Gandhi told to wait after British left
- Jinnah wanted provinces to have control of defence and foreign policy. Gandhi rejected this
- Jinnah kept reminding Gandhi that he was just the representative of Congress, not the Muslims
- Gandhi rejected 2 Nation Theory
- Congress was finally seeing League as a representative of the Muslims
2.6 Simla Conference
- Simla
- June 1945
- Lord Wavell proposed an Executive council should be set up
- Same constitution – GOI Act 1935
- Equal number of Muslims and Hindus
- Completely Indian
- Only Non Indian Viceroy and Defence Minister
- Jinnah, Khawaja Nazimmudin and Liaquat Ali Khan for League
- Gandhi along with Abul Kalam Azad – Congress President
- To show Muslims were represented by Congress also
- Executive Council was agreed
- Equal Muslim and Hindus means Hindus can team with Sikhs etc to dominate Muslims
- League should be the only one allowed to nominate Muslims
- Won every by election since 1943
- 14 July
- Conference ended
2.7 Elections 1945 – 1946
- Labor Party came to power in Britain
- Executive Council to be set up with main Indian parties of 1945 Elections
- Congress claimed to represent all Indians
- Wanted Undivided India
- Muslim League campaigned for separate Muslim homeland
- Results came in December 1945
- League won 87 Percent of Muslim vote
- All Muslim seats in Centrall Legislative Assembly
- Most seats in provincial elections
- Controlled Bengal, Sindh
- Largest party in Punjab
- Congress took 91 percent of non Muslim vote
- Took control of 8 provinces
- Won 2 more Muslim seats in NWFP then League
- Muslim League’s Performance was better in 1937
- Learned from 1937 and campaigned better
- Congress Tyranny rule convinced Muslims that League was the only hope
- Pakistan resolution and Communal violence had changed the position of Muslims
2.8 Cabinet Mission Plan
- March 1946
- 3 Man delegation
- Lord Pathick Lawrence
- Sir Stafford Cripps
- V. Alexander
- 24 March 1946 – Arrived In New Delhi
- Jinnah wanted Pakistan first
- Then any Central Agency of India and Pakistan
- Congress against Pakistan
- Proposal of Cabinet Mission
- Interim Government
- Help British Withdraw
- All India Commission made from elected members
- Make decisions about partition
- Final Plan in May 1946
- Rejected Pakistan
- 3 Parts of India
- Hindu Majority Areas
- Western Muslim Majority Areas
- Bengal and Assam
- Local Autonomy
- Indian Union to decide foreign affairs, defence and communication
- League accepted it
- Congress said it wont follow the plan after British left
- League felt threatened too
- Plan dropped
2.9 Direct Action Day
- If British left with Indians to solve their issues
- Hindus would dominate the Muslims
- Show of Muslim solidarity
- July 1946 – final struggle against British and Congress
- 16 August 1946
- Direct Action Day
- Many places peaceful protest
- Rioting in Culcutta led to 4000 dead
- Great Culcutta killing
3.0 Final issues before Independence
- Nehru appointed members to Executive Council
- League asked for Congress to accept that only League had the right to nominate Muslim members
- Congress did not agree
- The council was started on 2 September 1945 with only Congress members
- League later appointed 5 members
- Jinnah nominated Hindu to show that League is not ANTI Hindu
- Election between July and December 1946
- 9 December first meeting
- League members refused to attend
- Congress asked for League to resign or they would
· 3 June Plan
- February 1947 – British will leave India before June 1948
- Less time given for settlements so less disagreement
- Mountbatten sent
- Rioting in Punjab – March 1947
- India on verge of civil war
- March 1947 – Mountbatten came to India
- The plan
- India and Pakistan – 2 states to be made
- Starting Constitution is Government of India act 1935
- Can make own constitution
- Dominion Status
- Muslim Majority Provinces can decide between India and Pakistan
- Sindh – Balochistan decided Pakistan
- Bengal and Punjab decided Pakistan
- Muslim minority parts remain in India
- NWFP joined Pakistan after referendum
- Sylhet in Assam joined Pakistan
· 4 June
- British would leave India on 15 August 1947
- Issues
- Boundaries between India and Pakistan
- Princely State Issue
- Prince going against the wishes of people
- Division of assets
- Jinnah to be governor general of Pakistan
- Pakistan’s relation with Britain
3.1 Radcliffe Award
- Boundary Commission
- Headed by Sir Cyril Radcliffe
- Had assistants – 2 each from League and Congress
- Also called Bounday Award
- Calcutta given to India – Had Muslim Majority neighboring areas
- All Industry of East Bengal was in Culcutta
- Ferozpur and Gurdaspur Given to India
- Ferozepur was originally given to Pakistan
- Mountbatten forced the commission to give it to India
- This gave Indians the Kashmir border
- 17 August 1947
- Sikhs wanted a separate state in Punjab
- Hindus were unhappy that Chittagong Hill Tracts were given to Pakistan
3.2 Independence Act
- 15 July 1947
- Also called the Indian Independence Act
- 15 August 1947 – 2 Dominion States India and Pakistan set up
- Can pass any law
- GOI Act 1935 interim constitution
- Ends when states make their own
- 14 August 1947 – Pakistan created
Lesson Tags
Cripps Mission | Pakistan Resolution | Gandhi Jinnah Talks | Simla Conference | Elections 1945 | Independence Act | Cabinet Mission Plan | Complete and Detailed Notes For Revision | O Level Pakistan Studies 2059/01 and IGCSE Pakistan Studies 0448/01 | The History and Culture of Pakistan
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